Create A Six Generation Family Tree In Google Sheets

A six-generation tree goes up to 32 great-great-great-grandparents. Our layout in Google Sheets prints on a single landscape page. That’s perfect for bringing to libraries and archives. If you’re too busy for the twelve steps in this tutorial, jump down to the end to grab our “done for you” Google Sheets template bundle. What The 6-Generation Pedigree Tree Looks Like … Read more

Create A Seven Generation Family Tree In Google Sheets

A seven-generation tree goes up to 64 great-great-great-great-grandparents. Our layout in Google Sheets prints on two landscape pages that can be easily taped together. If you’re too busy for the fourteen steps in this tutorial, jump down to the end to grab our “done for you” Google Sheets template bundle. What The 7-Generation Pedigree Tree Looks Like The picture below … Read more

Create An Eight-Generation Family Tree In Google Sheets

An eight-generation tree goes up to 128 great-great-great-great-great-grandparents. Our layout in Google Sheets prints on six portrait pages that can be easily taped together (three pages across and two deep). If you’re too busy for the thirteen steps in this tutorial, jump down to the end to grab our “done for you” Google Sheets template bundle. What The 8-Generation Pedigree … Read more

Origins Of GEDCOM (A Brief History)

If you’ve copied your family tree between different genealogy sites and software, then you’ve probably dealt with a GEDCOM file. Have you ever wondered how the GEDCOM format came about? This article delves back into history to it origins. I also take a quick look at why the genealogical data standard seems stuck in time. … Read more

Create A Nine-Generation Pedigree Family Tree In Google Sheets

A nine-generation tree goes all the way up to 256 great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparents. Our family tree layout in Google Sheets prints across multiple portrait pages that can be taped together. If you’re too busy for the sixteen steps in this tutorial, jump down to the end to grab our “done for you” Google Sheets template bundle. Table of Contents The 9-Generation Pedigree Tree … Read more

Create A Large Ten-Generation Family Tree In Google Sheets

This tutorial shows you how to create a very large family tree in Google Sheets. A 10-generation tree goes back to 512 great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparents. This version prints across three A4 portrait pages wide and eight pages deep. If you’re too busy for the sixteen steps in this tutorial, jump down to the end to grab our “done for you” Google Sheets template … Read more

How To Create A Five-Generation Family Tree In Google Sheets

This is a step-by-step guide to creating a family tree in Google Sheets. This tree goes back five generations to great-great-grandparents. It fits on a single printed page. You can leave out the last level for a four-generation tree. If you’re too busy for the fifteen steps in this tutorial, jump down to the end to grab our “done for … Read more

Create A Ten-Generation Pedigree Family Tree In Excel (Tutorial)

A ten-generation family tree goes back to 512 great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparents. This tutorial shows you how to create this very large tree in Microsoft Excel. Our version prints across twenty-four portrait pages arranged as three pages wide and eight pages deep. The printed pages can be taped together to put up on a wall as a single … Read more

Create A Nine-Generation Pedigree Family Tree In Excel (Tutorial)

A nine-generation family tree goes back to 256 great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparents. This tutorial shows you how to create this large tree in Microsoft Excel. Our version prints across twelve portrait pages arranged as three pages wide and four pages deep. The printed pages can be easily taped together to put up on a wall as a single … Read more

Create An 8-Generation Pedigree Family Tree In Excel (Tutorial)

An eight-generation family tree goes back to 128 great-great-great-great-great-grandparents. This tutorial shows you how to create one in Microsoft Excel that prints across four portrait pages. The printed pages can be easily taped together to put up on a wall as a single display. If you’re too busy for the eighteen steps in this tutorial, jump … Read more