Here are the most common Black or African American last names beginning with O in the United States.
Our list takes surnames from the 2010 census only if 50% or more holders declared that they were Black.
Of course, many African Americans have surnames that fall below this percentage. We simply use it as a cut-off for this list.
Details Behind The List
The U.S. census of 2010 included a question that asked if the person was Black or another ethnicity (or mix).
Our details include the black percentage in 2010 for each name. The census provides a percentage with two decimal points. We rounded it to a whole number.
We also checked the censuses of 1940 and 1910 for the number of people of each name who were documented as black.
This article uses the terms Black and African American interchangeably.
The public details from the 2010 census do not include nationality so our numbers cannot be exact. Take them as a guide.
Top 30 Surnames Beginning With O
These black and African American names have the highest number of entries in the 2010 U.S. census.
The surnames are listed below in order of how common they are.
The 2010 census had a total of 8,901 people with the last name Outlaw.
About 53% identified as Black or African American.
In the 1940 U.S. census, 1,717 people named Outlaw were documented as black.
In the 1900 U.S. census, 1,070 people of this name were documented as black.
Historic figures
Wyatt Outlaw was born in 1820 in North Carolina. He worked as a cabinet maker and became a community leader.
Outlaw co-founded a local Republican league in 1866 and was a trustee of the first African Methodist Episcopal Church in Alamance County. He was elected Town Commissioner and a Constable of the town of Graham.
His prominence and efforts to support local African Americans made him a target. Outlaw was lynched in 1870.
The 2010 census had a total of 7,660 people with the last name Omar.
About 50% identified as Black or African American.
In the 1900 U.S. census, five people of this name were documented as black. Four were members of the same family from Alcorn, Mississippi.
In the 1940 U.S. census, 12 people named Omar were documented as black. By now, only two were living in Missouri.
The 2010 census had a total of 2,938 people with the last name Owusu.
About 95% identified as Black or African American.
Nobody of this name was documented as black in the 1900 or 1940 censuses.
The 2010 census had a total of 1,939 people with the last name Okafor.
About 96% identified as Black or African American.
Nobody of this name was documented as black in the 1900 or 1940 censuses.
The 2010 census had a total of 1,868 people with the last name Osei.
About 96% identified as Black or African American.
Nobody of this name was documented as black in the 1900 or 1940 censuses.
The 2010 census had a total of 1,573 people with the last name Osby.
About 81% identified as Black or African American.
In the 1940 U.S. census, 462 people named Osby were documented as black.
In the 1900 U.S. census, 173 people of this name were documented as black.
The 2010 census had a total of 1,444 people with the last name Okeke.
About 95% identified as Black or African American.
Nobody of this name was documented as black in the 1900 or 1940 censuses.
The 2010 census had a total of 1,403 people with the last name Obi.
About 85% identified as Black or African American.
Nobody of this name was documented as black in the 1900 or 1940 censuses.
The 2010 census had a total of 1,378 people with the last name Ojo.
About 94% identified as Black or African American.
Nobody of this name was documented as black in the 1900 or 1940 censuses.
The 2010 census had a total of 1,317 people with the last name Okoro.
About 95% identified as Black or African American.
Nobody of this name was documented as black in the 1900 or 1940 censuses.
The 2010 census had a total of 1,259 people with the last name Odoms.
About 86% identified as Black or African American.
In the 1940 U.S. census, 206 people named Odoms were documented as black.
In the 1900 U.S. census, 16 people of this name were documented as black.
The 2010 census had a total of 1,230 people with the last name Oats.
About 53% identified as Black or African American.
In the 1940 U.S. census, 797 people named Oats were documented as black.
In the 1900 U.S. census, 625 people of this name were documented as black.
The 2010 census had a total of 1,228 people with the last name Opoku.
About 96% identified as Black or African American.
Nobody of this name was documented as black in the 1900 or 1940 censuses.
The 2010 census had a total of 1,209 people with the last name Ollie.
About 73% identified as Black or African American.
In the 1940 U.S. census, 254 people named Ollie were documented as black.
In the 1900 U.S. census, 83 people of this name were documented as black.
The 2010 census had a total of 1,174 people with the last name Offord.
About 62% identified as Black or African American.
In the 1940 U.S. census, 141 people named Offord were documented as black.
In the 1900 U.S. census, 103 people of this name were documented as black.
The 2010 census had a total of 1,116 people with the last name Okoye.
About 95% identified as Black or African American.
Nobody of this name was documented as black in the 1900 or 1940 censuses.
The 2010 census had a total of 1,107 people with the last name Ofori.
About 94% identified as Black or African American.
Nobody of this name was documented as black in the 1900 or 1940 censuses.
The 2010 census had a total of 1,081 people with the last name Okonkwo.
About 94% identified as Black or African American.
Nobody of this name was documented as black in the 1900 or 1940 censuses.
The 2010 census had a total of 1,029 people with the last name Ollison.
About 81% identified as Black or African American.
In the 1940 U.S. census, 232 people named Ollison were documented as black.
In the 1900 U.S. census, 75 people of this name were documented as black.
The 2010 census had a total of 970 people with the last name Oatis.
About 75% identified as Black or African American.
In the 1940 U.S. census, 210 people named Oatis were documented as black.
In the 1900 U.S. census, 236 people of this name were documented as black.
The 2010 census had a total of 790 people with the last name Oke.
About 61% identified as Black or African American.
Seven people named Oke were documented as black in the 1900 U.S. census. But in 1940 there were no holders of the name documented as black.
The 2010 census had a total of 788 people with the last name Obeng.
About 96% identified as Black or African American.
Nobody of this name was documented as black in the 1900 or 1940 censuses.
The 2010 census had a total of 768 people with the last name Oppong.
About 95% identified as Black or African American.
Nobody of this name was documented as black in the 1900 or 1940 censuses.
The 2010 census had a total of 737 people with the last name Opara.
About 93% identified as Black or African American.
Nobody of this name was documented as black in the 1900 or 1940 censuses.
The 2010 census had a total of 730 people with the last name Obey.
About 53% identified as Black or African American.
In the 1940 U.S. census, 171 people named Obey were documented as black.
In the 1900 U.S. census, 84 people of this name were documented as black.
The 2010 census had a total of 670 people with the last name Ogbonna.
About 97% identified as Black or African American.
Nobody of this name was documented as black in the 1900 or 1940 censuses.
The 2010 census had a total of 663 people with the last name Obie.
About 52% identified as Black or African American.
In the 1940 U.S. census, 81 people named Obie were documented as black.
In the 1900 U.S. census, 32 people of this name were documented as black.
The 2010 census had a total of 641 people with the last name Onuoha.
About 96% identified as Black or African American.
Nobody of this name was documented as black in the 1900 or 1940 censuses.
The 2010 census had a total of 630 people with the last name Osias.
About 57% identified as Black or African American.
Four people named Osias were documented as black in the 1900 U.S. census. But in 1940 there were no holders of the name documented as black.
The 2010 census had a total of 620 people with the last name Outler.
About 52% identified as Black or African American.
In the 1940 U.S. census, 99 people named Outler were documented as black.
In the 1900 U.S. census, 70 people of this name were documented as black.