This list of Hispanic surnames starting with E is based on the 2010 United States census.
We have only included surnames where at least 60% of the holders declared that they were Hispanic.
Links To Other Lists Of Hispanic Names
We have a list of Hispanic names for each letter of the alphabet. Click on any letter below to follow a link.
Notes About Our List
The U.S. census of 2010 included a question that asked if the person was “Spanish / Hispanic/ Latino”.
This means that our list is based on the self-declaration of heritage. Our cutoff of 60% is to be more sure that the last names were typically Hispanic.
The table shows you the number of people of this surname who declared on the census that they were Hispanic.
The next column shows the total number of people bearing that name. The percentage of Hispanic names is a simple calculation of the second column divided by the third.
The final column shows how common the surname is in the United States.
Can’t Find A Surname That You Know?
If you don’t find a name that you’re interested in, then use our surname ranking tool which doesn’t have the 1,000 threshold that we’ve imposed on this list.
The tool will show you where your last name ranks in the U.S. census.
We also have lists of all American names with at least one thousand holders in the U.S. census. Here’s a link to all names beginning with E in the United States regardless of race.
Hispanic Last Names Beginning With E
Let’s start with the surnames from Echavarria to Elvira.
The first five surnames in this list are clearly spelling variants of each other. If we combined them, their ranking in the U.S. census would be much higher.
As it stands, Elizondo is the most common name in this section. There is a town of the same name in Navarre in Spain.
But the word also derives from the phrase “near a church”. So, it could be held by families residing beside a religious building.

Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Echavarria | 3,190 | 3,402 | 93.77% | 9,557 |
Echevarria | 8,854 | 9,777 | 90.56% | 3,636 |
Echeverri | 1,280 | 1,406 | 91.04% | 19,275 |
Echeverria | 8,807 | 9,552 | 92.20% | 3,713 |
Echeverry | 1,118 | 1,181 | 94.67% | 21,972 |
Eguia | 1,446 | 1,626 | 88.93% | 17,367 |
Elenes | 904 | 974 | 92.81% | 25,403 |
Elizalde | 5,257 | 5,620 | 93.54% | 6,102 |
Elizarraras | 1,512 | 1,547 | 97.74% | 18,036 |
Elizarraraz | 1,353 | 1,393 | 97.13% | 19,398 |
Elizondo | 14,309 | 15,419 | 92.80% | 2,365 |
Elvir | 754 | 825 | 91.39% | 28,829 |
Elvira | 777 | 856 | 90.77% | 28,001 |
Hispanic surnames from Enamorado to Erives
The most common name in this section is Enriquez, which also has the less common variants of Enriques and Enrique.
The origins of the name are unclear so I’ll take a closer look at a different name in this list.
Encarnacion is a name with religious origins. The word means “incarnation”, and it comes from a Spanish phrase that means “Mary of the Incarnation”.

Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Enamorado | 1,612 | 1,680 | 95.95% | 16,933 |
Encalada | 788 | 853 | 92.38% | 28,065 |
Encarnacion | 5,686 | 7,171 | 79.29% | 4,909 |
Encinas | 3,822 | 4,369 | 87.48% | 7,609 |
Encinias | 1,070 | 1,232 | 86.85% | 21,272 |
Enciso | 4,262 | 4,674 | 91.19% | 7,157 |
Enrique | 1,067 | 1,283 | 83.16% | 20,636 |
Enriques | 705 | 893 | 78.95% | 27,110 |
Enriquez | 35,704 | 41,271 | 86.51% | 837 |
Equihua | 1,089 | 1,104 | 98.64% | 23,120 |
Erazo | 4,639 | 4,873 | 95.20% | 6,899 |
Erives | 1,102 | 1,140 | 96.67% | 22,543 |
Hispanic names from Ernandez to Espinal
Escobar is the most common U.S. surname in this section. The name comes from the Spanish word for a type of tree we call a broom in English.
The name was likely given to families who resided in Spanish regions that were full of brooms.

Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Ernandez | 727 | 849 | 85.63% | 28,176 |
Escajeda | 843 | 909 | 92.74% | 26,772 |
Escalante | 18,613 | 20,626 | 90.24% | 1,736 |
Escalera | 6,151 | 6,616 | 92.97% | 5,271 |
Escalona | 2,480 | 3,055 | 81.18% | 10,505 |
Escamilla | 19,763 | 20,958 | 94.30% | 1,715 |
Escandon | 1,765 | 1,924 | 91.74% | 15,268 |
Escarcega | 2,218 | 2,363 | 93.86% | 12,994 |
Escareno | 2,911 | 3,079 | 94.54% | 10,448 |
Escatel | 657 | 677 | 97.05% | 33,645 |
Escobar | 59,534 | 64,403 | 92.44% | 520 |
Escobedo | 27,694 | 29,185 | 94.89% | 1,211 |
Escorcia | 998 | 1,056 | 94.51% | 23,899 |
Escoto | 4,637 | 5,249 | 88.34% | 6,469 |
Escudero | 2,857 | 3,352 | 85.23% | 9,684 |
Escutia | 1,622 | 1,665 | 97.42% | 17,056 |
Espada | 2,026 | 2,245 | 90.24% | 13,509 |
Espaillat | 1,057 | 1,131 | 93.46% | 22,673 |
Espana | 3,644 | 4,127 | 88.30% | 8,019 |
Esparza | 40,078 | 42,559 | 94.17% | 816 |
Espejo | 1,917 | 2,769 | 69.23% | 11,388 |
Esperanza | 750 | 1,192 | 62.92% | 21,811 |
Espericueta | 1,049 | 1,100 | 95.36% | 23,185 |
Espin | 713 | 847 | 84.18% | 28,241 |
Espinal | 15,368 | 15,924 | 96.51% | 2,289 |
Hispanic names from Espindola to Euceda
Estrada is the most common American surname in this section. The word means “road” in Spanish.
There are many places in Spain named Estrada. So the family origins refer either to people from these named areas, or to people who lived near a notable path for travelers.

Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Espindola | 2,496 | 2,704 | 92.31% | 11,608 |
Espino | 14,536 | 15,997 | 90.87% | 2,278 |
Espinosa | 33,892 | 38,667 | 87.65% | 896 |
Espinoza | 106,445 | 112,154 | 94.91% | 271 |
Espitia | 4,096 | 4,324 | 94.73% | 7,677 |
Esqueda | 5,526 | 5,773 | 95.72% | 5,963 |
Esquer | 1,710 | 1,855 | 92.18% | 15,719 |
Esquibel | 4,291 | 5,187 | 82.73% | 6,532 |
Esquilin | 1,204 | 1,299 | 92.69% | 20,449 |
Esquivel | 35,571 | 37,578 | 94.66% | 925 |
Esquivias | 1,252 | 1,308 | 95.72% | 20,322 |
Esteban | 3,519 | 5,240 | 67.16% | 6,480 |
Estevez | 10,306 | 11,032 | 93.42% | 3,273 |
Estrada | 118,369 | 127,470 | 92.86% | 238 |
Estrella | 11,026 | 13,758 | 80.14% | 2,618 |
Estremera | 1,016 | 1,139 | 89.20% | 22,559 |
Estudillo | 793 | 905 | 87.62% | 26,853 |
Estupinan | 1,222 | 1,297 | 94.22% | 20,468 |
Euceda | 1,381 | 1,431 | 96.51% | 19,027 |
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