This list of Hispanic surnames starting with F is based on the 2010 United States census.
We have only included surnames where at least 60% of the holders declared that they were Hispanic.
Links To Other Lists Of Hispanic Names
We have a list of Hispanic names for each letter of the alphabet. Click on any letter below to follow a link.
Notes About Our List
The U.S. census of 2010 included a question that asked if the person was “Spanish / Hispanic/ Latino”.
This means that our list is based on the self-declaration of heritage. Our cutoff of 60% is to be more sure that the last names were typically Hispanic.
The table shows you the number of people of this surname who declared on the census that they were Hispanic.
The next column shows the total number of people bearing that name. The percentage of Hispanic names is a simple calculation of the second column divided by the third.
The final column shows how common the surname is in the United States.
Can’t Find A Surname That You Know?
If you don’t find a name that you’re interested in, then use our surname ranking tool which doesn’t have the 1,000 threshold that we’ve imposed on this list.
It will show you where your last name ranks in the U.S. census.
We also have lists of all American names with at least one thousand holders in the U.S. census. Here’s a link to all names beginning with F in the United States regardless of race.
Hispanic Last Names Beginning With F
Let’s start with names from Fabela to Faz.
The most common U.S. name in this section is Farias. This is an interesting name that may have different origins between Greece, Italy, and Hispanic countries.
The Greek origins are from “Pharos” and refer to a lighthouse. There was also a great historic Italian family by the same name.
In Hispanic regions, it may have originally referred to people residing near the Castle of Faria in Portugal.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Fabela | 3,285 | 3,713 | 88.47% | 8,817 |
Facio | 1,576 | 1,727 | 91.26% | 16,601 |
Facundo | 1,544 | 1,698 | 90.93% | 16,809 |
Fajardo | 12,112 | 15,100 | 80.21% | 2,402 |
Falcon | 10,758 | 15,125 | 71.13% | 2,398 |
Familia | 1,030 | 1,116 | 92.29% | 22,924 |
Farfan | 3,673 | 4,075 | 90.13% | 8,135 |
Farias | 13,391 | 16,153 | 82.90% | 2,252 |
Fausto | 1,582 | 1,924 | 82.22% | 15,268 |
Favela | 7,182 | 7,439 | 96.55% | 4,761 |
Favila | 768 | 858 | 89.51% | 27,950 |
Faz | 1,994 | 2,128 | 93.70% | 14,119 |
Hispanic surnames from Febles to Ferrer
The most common name in this section in Fernandez.
The name means son of Fernando, which is an old Germanic name. The word stems from a combination of Germanic terms for “courage” and “journey”.
The original bearers of the this name may have been intrepid travelers over land and sea.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Febles | 1,074 | 1,182 | 90.86% | 21,960 |
Febres | 758 | 840 | 90.24% | 28,408 |
Febus | 945 | 1,297 | 72.86% | 20,468 |
Felan | 1,535 | 1,984 | 77.37% | 14,920 |
Feliciano | 18,211 | 21,667 | 84.05% | 1,662 |
Felipe | 4,801 | 6,370 | 75.37% | 5,462 |
Felix | 26,625 | 40,165 | 66.29% | 863 |
Feliz | 4,756 | 5,261 | 90.40% | 6,452 |
Feria | 1,066 | 1,411 | 75.55% | 19,229 |
Ferman | 1,214 | 1,942 | 62.51% | 15,171 |
Fermin | 3,899 | 5,057 | 77.10% | 6,678 |
Fernandez | 151,148 | 180,842 | 83.58% | 142 |
Ferrer | 11,351 | 17,057 | 66.55% | 2,123 |
Hispanic names from Ferreras to Fiscal
The most common American name in this section is Figueroa, which also has several variants in the list:
- Figeroa
- Figueredo
- Figuereo
This is also a common name in Spain. There are several places in Galicia with the name, which derives from the word for a fig tree.
The early families of the name likely resided in regions with plentiful fig trees.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Ferreras | 877 | 1,110 | 79.01% | 23,019 |
Ferreyra | 1,262 | 1,341 | 94.11% | 19,986 |
Ferrufino | 1,522 | 1,618 | 94.07% | 17,432 |
Fiallo | 785 | 883 | 88.90% | 27,354 |
Fiallos | 891 | 956 | 93.20% | 25,771 |
Fierro | 12,044 | 14,371 | 83.81% | 2,519 |
Fierros | 2,620 | 2,751 | 95.24% | 11,448 |
Figeroa | 1,162 | 1,233 | 94.24% | 21,260 |
Figueredo | 1,862 | 2,269 | 82.06% | 13,431 |
Figuereo | 815 | 855 | 95.32% | 28,023 |
Figueroa | 91,398 | 98,468 | 92.82% | 316 |
Fimbres | 1,859 | 2,087 | 89.08% | 14,338 |
Fiscal | 731 | 758 | 96.44% | 30,735 |
Hispanic surnames from Flamenco to Fontanez
Flores is the most common name in this section, and it ranked 40th in the 2010 American census.
The name derives from the Spanish word for “flower” (flor). It is also very common in Spain and can be traced back to the Visigothic kingdom of Asturias.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Flamenco | 986 | 1,025 | 96.20% | 24,431 |
Flecha | 705 | 794 | 88.79% | 29,661 |
Fleitas | 675 | 751 | 89.88% | 30,946 |
Fleites | 787 | 851 | 92.48% | 28,131 |
Fletes | 1,469 | 1,540 | 95.39% | 18,090 |
Florencio | 899 | 1,034 | 86.94% | 24,260 |
Flores | 398,991 | 433,969 | 91.94% | 40 |
Floresgarcia | 751 | 768 | 97.79% | 30,420 |
Florez | 9,307 | 10,570 | 88.05% | 3,377 |
Fonseca | 20,062 | 25,863 | 77.57% | 1,363 |
Font | 1,329 | 2,138 | 62.16% | 14,070 |
Fontanez | 3,678 | 4,036 | 91.13% | 8,222 |
Hispanic names from Forero to Funez
There are two names in this section that are in the top thousand American surnames in the U.S. census of 2010. Franco is slightly less common than Fuentes.
The origins of Fuentes stem from the Spanish word for “fountains”. There are plenty of places in Spain that have this name.
So, we can assume that the early families came from places near a fountain or spring.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Forero | 1,756 | 1,963 | 89.45% | 15,048 |
Fraga | 3,608 | 4,998 | 72.19% | 6,746 |
Fragoso | 3,789 | 4,267 | 88.80% | 7,778 |
Fraijo | 659 | 820 | 80.37% | 28,967 |
Fraire | 4,303 | 4,601 | 93.52% | 7,247 |
Franco | 56,654 | 69,943 | 81.00% | 476 |
Franqui | 959 | 1,091 | 87.90% | 23,333 |
Frausto | 7,041 | 7,547 | 93.30% | 4,702 |
Frayre | 732 | 793 | 92.31% | 29,693 |
Fregoso | 4,730 | 4,969 | 95.19% | 6,788 |
Freire | 1,647 | 2,477 | 66.49% | 12,514 |
Fresquez | 1,739 | 2,059 | 84.46% | 14,492 |
Freyre | 852 | 997 | 85.46% | 24,934 |
Frias | 14,843 | 16,911 | 87.77% | 2,144 |
Frometa | 710 | 753 | 94.29% | 30,889 |
Frutos | 1,302 | 1,390 | 93.67% | 19,441 |
Fuentes | 75,530 | 81,006 | 93.24% | 394 |
Fuentez | 1,762 | 1,972 | 89.35% | 14,986 |
Fuerte | 2,123 | 2,422 | 87.65% | 12,744 |
Fuertes | 723 | 994 | 72.74% | 25,003 |
Fulgencio | 697 | 1,115 | 62.51% | 22,944 |
Fundora | 966 | 1,049 | 92.09% | 24,031 |
Funes | 5,665 | 6,079 | 93.19% | 5,702 |
Funez | 1,658 | 1,762 | 94.10% | 16,349 |
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