This list of Hispanic last names starting with N or O is based on the 2010 United States census.
We have only included “N” or “O” surnames where at least 60% of the holders declared that they were Hispanic.
Notes About Our Hispanic List
The U.S. census of 2010 included a question that asked if the person was “Spanish / Hispanic/ Latino”.
We used a cutoff of 60% to ensure that the last names were typically Hispanic.
Our tables show you the number of people of this surname who declared on the census that they were Hispanic.
The next column shows the total number of people bearing that name. The percentage of Hispanic names is a simple calculation of the second column divided by the third.
The final column shows how common the surname is in the United States. For example, Ortiz is ranked #68.
Links To Other Lists Of Hispanic Names
We have a list of Hispanic names for each letter of the alphabet. Click on any letter below to follow a link.
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Hispanic Last Names Beginning With N
We’ll start with names from Nadal to Negron. The Spanish tennis player has made the name Nadal famous throughout the world.
But the most common name in the United States within this section is Navarro. This was the 315th most common name in the 2010 U.S. census.
Navarro has an interesting history that goes back to the knights from Navarre, one of the ancient Basque kingdoms of Spain. The word itself means “a plain beside mountains”.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Nadal | 757 | 1,211 | 62.51% | 21,553 |
Najar | 2,646 | 3,296 | 80.28% | 9,821 |
Najarro | 1,233 | 1,331 | 92.64% | 20,076 |
Najera | 17,414 | 18,340 | 94.95% | 1,971 |
Nambo | 1,084 | 1,130 | 95.93% | 22,689 |
Nanez | 1,667 | 1,839 | 90.65% | 15,827 |
Napoles | 2,495 | 2,784 | 89.62% | 11,335 |
Naranjo | 14,340 | 15,658 | 91.58% | 2,328 |
Narez | 910 | 965 | 94.30% | 25,572 |
Narvaez | 9,591 | 10,579 | 90.66% | 3,373 |
Natal | 2,342 | 3,190 | 73.42% | 10,095 |
Natera | 842 | 910 | 92.53% | 26,747 |
Nava | 37,195 | 39,670 | 93.76% | 874 |
Navar | 953 | 1,042 | 91.46% | 24,137 |
Navarette | 1,297 | 1,558 | 83.25% | 17,942 |
Navarrete | 22,983 | 24,259 | 94.74% | 1,471 |
Navarrette | 3,045 | 3,489 | 87.27% | 9,334 |
Navarro | 87,970 | 99,807 | 88.14% | 315 |
Navas | 4,157 | 4,953 | 83.93% | 6,809 |
Navedo | 845 | 900 | 93.89% | 26,949 |
Navejas | 689 | 709 | 97.18% | 32,438 |
Navia | 751 | 836 | 89.83% | 28,525 |
Nazario | 5,792 | 6,636 | 87.28% | 5,258 |
Negrete | 14,371 | 15,245 | 94.27% | 2,384 |
Negron | 16,767 | 18,413 | 91.06% | 1,963 |
Hispanic names from Neira to Nuna
The most common name in the United States in this section is Nunez. There isn’t much certainty on the origins of Nunez so let’s look at another.
Nieves falls just outside the top thousand names in the 2010 U.S. census. The origins are well known. The word “nieves” stems from the Spanish word for snow.
The name is more specifically associated with the title of “Our Lady Of the Snows”, as a religious reference to Mary, mother of Jesus.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Neira | 1,846 | 2,125 | 86.87% | 14,139 |
Neria | 797 | 1,000 | 79.70% | 24,874 |
Nerio | 995 | 1,072 | 92.82% | 23,647 |
Nevarez | 15,687 | 16,607 | 94.46% | 2,188 |
Neyra | 735 | 877 | 83.81% | 27,481 |
Nicasio | 1,027 | 1,183 | 86.81% | 21,940 |
Niebla | 817 | 853 | 95.78% | 28,065 |
Nieblas | 1,029 | 1,177 | 87.43% | 22,026 |
Nieto | 23,211 | 25,701 | 90.31% | 1,376 |
Nieves | 32,202 | 34,896 | 92.28% | 1,004 |
Nino | 9,908 | 11,202 | 88.45% | 3,224 |
Noboa | 860 | 944 | 91.10% | 25,989 |
Nodarse | 723 | 788 | 91.75% | 29,822 |
Nogales | 857 | 947 | 90.50% | 25,935 |
Noguera | 1,874 | 2,237 | 83.77% | 13,551 |
Nogueras | 660 | 736 | 89.67% | 31,453 |
Noguez | 813 | 863 | 94.21% | 27,818 |
Nolasco | 10,438 | 11,609 | 89.91% | 3,102 |
Noriega | 13,186 | 14,559 | 90.57% | 2,477 |
Nova | 2,184 | 2,928 | 74.59% | 10,886 |
Novelo | 695 | 827 | 84.04% | 28,777 |
Novoa | 3,945 | 4,281 | 92.15% | 7,756 |
Noyola | 4,093 | 4,279 | 95.65% | 7,759 |
Nuncio | 940 | 1,085 | 86.64% | 23,432 |
Nunez | 116,225 | 125,350 | 92.72% | 242 |
Nungaray | 1,168 | 1,204 | 97.01% | 21,648 |
Nuno | 6,138 | 6,506 | 94.34% | 5,348 |
Hispanic Last Names Beginning With O
When we look at surnames from Obando to Olivarez, the most common American name in this section is Ochoa.
The name Ochoa comes from the Basque word for wolf (otso). The families who originally bore this name likely came from Spanish regions that were populated heavily with wolves.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Obando | 3,061 | 3,404 | 89.92% | 9,551 |
Obeso | 996 | 1,069 | 93.17% | 23,691 |
Obregon | 5,606 | 6,172 | 90.83% | 5,630 |
Ocampo | 20,854 | 25,720 | 81.08% | 1,374 |
Ocana | 1,880 | 2,064 | 91.09% | 14,468 |
Ocanas | 1,135 | 1,207 | 94.03% | 21,609 |
Ocasio | 8,554 | 9,293 | 92.05% | 3,815 |
Ocegueda | 1,855 | 1,900 | 97.63% | 15,418 |
Oceguera | 3,486 | 3,599 | 96.86% | 9,081 |
Ochoa | 74,027 | 78,677 | 94.09% | 408 |
Ocon | 1,991 | 2,337 | 85.19% | 13,115 |
Ogando | 908 | 985 | 92.18% | 25,171 |
Ojeda | 20,645 | 22,045 | 93.65% | 1,633 |
Olague | 2,584 | 2,827 | 91.40% | 11,185 |
Olalde | 1,820 | 1,927 | 94.45% | 15,255 |
Olan | 814 | 1,099 | 74.07% | 23,205 |
Olarte | 777 | 1,080 | 71.94% | 23,515 |
Olavarria | 995 | 1,101 | 90.37% | 23,167 |
Olaya | 805 | 888 | 90.65% | 27,228 |
Olea | 3,875 | 4,447 | 87.14% | 7,492 |
Olguin | 9,713 | 10,660 | 91.12% | 3,356 |
Oliva | 14,418 | 19,513 | 73.89% | 1,835 |
Olivar | 1,012 | 1,456 | 69.51% | 18,808 |
Olivares | 22,692 | 23,982 | 94.62% | 1,490 |
Olivarez | 8,866 | 9,720 | 91.21% | 3,660 |
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Hispanic surnames from Olivas to Orea
Olvera is the most common name in this section. There is an ancient city of that name in the Spanish province of Cadíz.
The word is also associated with the Latin for olives. The town of Olvera is surrounded by olive groves.
So, we can surmise that the origins of the name referred to people who lived near many olive trees.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Olivas | 18,439 | 20,106 | 91.71% | 1,785 |
Olivencia | 870 | 945 | 92.06% | 25,975 |
Olivera | 7,347 | 9,108 | 80.67% | 3,896 |
Oliveras | 2,358 | 2,591 | 91.01% | 12,042 |
Olivero | 1,233 | 1,842 | 66.94% | 15,806 |
Oliveros | 3,732 | 4,624 | 80.71% | 7,217 |
Olivo | 8,556 | 10,483 | 81.62% | 3,412 |
Olivos | 811 | 849 | 95.52% | 28,176 |
Olmeda | 2,099 | 2,298 | 91.34% | 13,271 |
Olmedo | 5,468 | 5,768 | 94.80% | 5,967 |
Olmo | 1,490 | 1,879 | 79.30% | 15,564 |
Olmos | 9,307 | 9,895 | 94.06% | 3,596 |
Olveda | 674 | 718 | 93.87% | 32,123 |
Olvera | 26,195 | 27,551 | 95.08% | 1,275 |
Onate | 1,602 | 1,838 | 87.16% | 15,833 |
Onofre | 2,919 | 3,099 | 94.19% | 10,396 |
Ontiveros | 15,438 | 16,382 | 94.24% | 2,225 |
Oquendo | 4,967 | 5,455 | 91.05% | 6,263 |
Orantes | 2,402 | 2,507 | 95.81% | 12,399 |
Ordaz | 7,410 | 7,753 | 95.58% | 4,578 |
Ordones | 796 | 812 | 98.03% | 29,171 |
Ordonez | 16,691 | 18,498 | 90.23% | 1,952 |
Orduna | 2,230 | 2,435 | 91.58% | 12,683 |
Orduno | 2,247 | 2,347 | 95.74% | 13,081 |
Orea | 1,281 | 1,383 | 92.62% | 19,527 |
Hispanic names from Oregel to Osorno
Ortiz is the most common name in the United States in this section. It ranked as the 68th most common name in the 2010 U.S. census.
There are several different theories on the origin of the name. We know that it means “son of Orti”, but what did Orti mean?
Some say that it originates from the Basque word for “brave” (fortis) and may refer to a soldiering family.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Oregel | 1,389 | 1,414 | 98.23% | 19,200 |
Oregon | 962 | 1,071 | 89.82% | 23,662 |
Orejel | 860 | 888 | 96.85% | 27,228 |
Orellana | 25,489 | 26,651 | 95.64% | 1,319 |
Orengo | 966 | 1,066 | 90.62% | 23,737 |
Orihuela | 1,373 | 1,483 | 92.58% | 18,584 |
Ornelas | 21,359 | 22,969 | 92.99% | 1,568 |
Orona | 5,473 | 6,145 | 89.06% | 5,649 |
Oropeza | 6,714 | 7,082 | 94.80% | 4,965 |
Orosco | 7,419 | 8,313 | 89.25% | 4,273 |
Orozco | 63,110 | 65,904 | 95.76% | 512 |
Orrego | 800 | 869 | 92.06% | 27,678 |
Orta | 7,027 | 7,820 | 89.86% | 4,535 |
Ortega | 118,488 | 127,256 | 93.11% | 239 |
Ortegon | 1,952 | 2,166 | 90.12% | 13,938 |
Ortez | 3,370 | 3,762 | 89.58% | 8,720 |
Ortis | 1,170 | 1,584 | 73.86% | 17,709 |
Ortiz | 267,132 | 286,899 | 93.11% | 68 |
Ortuno | 1,970 | 2,058 | 95.72% | 14,495 |
Osegueda | 1,257 | 1,382 | 90.96% | 19,538 |
Oseguera | 4,322 | 4,470 | 96.69% | 7,455 |
Osoria | 950 | 1,001 | 94.91% | 24,855 |
Osorio | 27,781 | 29,482 | 94.23% | 1,199 |
Osornio | 2,113 | 2,169 | 97.42% | 13,922 |
Osorno | 775 | 849 | 91.28% | 28,176 |
Hispanic names from Osorto to Ozuna
Otero is the most common name in this section. The the word stems from the Spanish term for height or a hill.
The families who originally had this name likely lived in mountainous territory.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders | % Declared Hispanic | Rank In U.S. |
Osorto | 978 | 1,002 | 97.60% | 24,838 |
Ospina | 3,520 | 3,774 | 93.27% | 8,697 |
Osuna | 6,971 | 7,601 | 91.71% | 4,666 |
Otano | 682 | 738 | 92.41% | 31,383 |
Otero | 18,609 | 20,937 | 88.88% | 1,716 |
Ovalle | 7,191 | 7,698 | 93.41% | 4,610 |
Ovalles | 1,445 | 1,561 | 92.57% | 17,911 |
Ovando | 1,528 | 1,631 | 93.68% | 17,331 |
Oviedo | 7,666 | 8,145 | 94.12% | 4,362 |
Oyervides | 695 | 744 | 93.41% | 31,184 |
Oyola | 1,905 | 2,051 | 92.88% | 14,532 |
Ozuna | 5,894 | 6,327 | 93.16% | 5,499 |