This list of Hispanic last names starting with V is based on the 2010 United States census.
I have only included “V” surnames where at least 60% of the holders declared that they were Hispanic.
We’ve got the historic origins and meanings of the most common names in our lists. We also take a look at the Mexican census of 1930 and show comparisons with the United States.
Common Hispanic Last Names Beginning With V
These were the most common Hispanic “V” surnames in the 2010 U.S. census.
- Vasquez
- Vargas
- Vazquez
- Valdez
- Vega
The five names all had over one hundred thousand bearers who declared they were Hispanic in the census.
Hispanic Surnames From Vaca To Valladolid
Valdez is the most common name in this section with nearly 125 thousand people in 2010. About 88% declared as Hispanic.
This name is a variant of Valdes, which is far less common.
The early origins come from a town of that name in the mountainous region of Asturias. The town is now called Luarca.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | % Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders |
Vaca | 7,419 | 92.95% | 7,982 |
Valadez | 20,648 | 94.46% | 21,859 |
Valcarcel | 792 | 83.37% | 950 |
Valderas | 912 | 89.50% | 1,019 |
Valderrama | 2,126 | 86.95% | 2,445 |
Valdes | 18,390 | 89.59% | 20,527 |
Valdespino | 1,115 | 90.36% | 1,234 |
Valdez | 110,821 | 88.66% | 124,995 |
Valdivia | 14,962 | 94.13% | 15,895 |
Valdivieso | 1,327 | 89.48% | 1,483 |
Valdiviezo | 731 | 94.57% | 773 |
Valdovinos | 9,880 | 97.37% | 10,147 |
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | % Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders |
Valencia | 62,461 | 89.23% | 70,000 |
Valenciano | 1,251 | 84.93% | 1,473 |
Valentin | 16,479 | 85.78% | 19,211 |
Valenzuela | 51,851 | 90.36% | 57,383 |
Valera | 2,679 | 67.93% | 3,944 |
Valeriano | 1,356 | 71.48% | 1,897 |
Valerio | 9,599 | 71.20% | 13,482 |
Valero | 3,880 | 83.26% | 4,660 |
Valiente | 2,025 | 80.04% | 2,530 |
Valladares | 11,236 | 94.41% | 11,901 |
Valladolid | 1,278 | 91.42% | 1,398 |
From Valle To Vazquez
The name Vasquez is the most common Hispanic name in the United States that starts with V.
There were over 212 thousand people with the name in 2010. About 93% ticked the Hispanic box.
Vazquez (with two zees) is a variant of Vasquez. It had about 138 thousand bearers with 96% declaring as Hispanic.
The early origins come from the personal name Vasco. This was a nickname given to people from the Basque Country.
The surname Vargas had over 173 thousand bearers in the 2010 census. Nearly 93% declared as Hispanic.
The early meaning may come from words for a steep slope or waterlogged pasture. Early bearers could have lived near such places.
There is also a place called Vargas in northern Spain.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | % Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders |
Valle | 27,393 | 86.37% | 31,716 |
Vallecillo | 1,696 | 94.59% | 1,793 |
Vallejo | 17,437 | 91.21% | 19,117 |
Vallejos | 2,907 | 83.37% | 3,487 |
Valles | 12,080 | 87.68% | 13,777 |
Vallin | 1,012 | 83.64% | 1,210 |
Valtierra | 3,372 | 94.30% | 3,576 |
Valverde | 7,793 | 89.20% | 8,737 |
Vanegas | 7,004 | 94.09% | 7,444 |
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | % Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders |
Vaquera | 2,162 | 95.28% | 2,269 |
Vaquerano | 668 | 95.29% | 701 |
Vaquero | 1,417 | 96.92% | 1,462 |
Vara | 2,231 | 67.46% | 3,307 |
Varela | 24,071 | 90.42% | 26,621 |
Vargas | 161,527 | 92.92% | 173,835 |
Varona | 1,467 | 84.75% | 1,731 |
Vasques | 2,693 | 86.90% | 3,099 |
Vasquez | 198,248 | 93.17% | 212,781 |
Vazques | 843 | 96.67% | 872 |
Vazquez | 132,443 | 95.75% | 138,322 |
From Vega To Verduzco
Vega is the most common name in this section.
The early origins come from the word for a wet and fertile meadow. Bearers in medieval times likely came from such places.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | % Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders |
Vega | 108,133 | 92.68% | 116,673 |
Vegas | 1,285 | 68.46% | 1,877 |
Vejar | 1,399 | 90.90% | 1,539 |
Vela | 23,150 | 91.09% | 25,414 |
Velaquez | 780 | 95.35% | 818 |
Velarde | 6,468 | 79.51% | 8,135 |
Velasco | 27,213 | 82.27% | 33,078 |
Velasques | 1,022 | 93.68% | 1,091 |
Velasquez | 74,112 | 92.22% | 80,364 |
Velazco | 3,088 | 94.09% | 3,282 |
Velazquez | 61,155 | 95.95% | 63,736 |
Velez | 48,487 | 91.03% | 53,265 |
Veliz | 6,484 | 92.31% | 7,024 |
Veloz | 4,887 | 94.47% | 5,173 |
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | % Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders |
Venancio | 748 | 71.79% | 1,042 |
Vences | 3,399 | 97.95% | 3,470 |
Venegas | 19,798 | 94.95% | 20,851 |
Ventura | 29,475 | 74.47% | 39,580 |
Venzor | 1,456 | 90.83% | 1,603 |
Vera | 30,650 | 91.02% | 33,674 |
Veras | 3,404 | 90.15% | 3,776 |
Verastegui | 1,130 | 93.00% | 1,215 |
Verdejo | 832 | 87.67% | 949 |
Verdugo | 6,534 | 90.62% | 7,210 |
Verduzco | 6,611 | 95.49% | 6,923 |
From Venancio To Vilchis
Vera is the most common name here with over thirty-three thousand bearers in 2010. Ninety-one percent declared as Hispanic.
The meaning come from the word for a river bank. Early bearers likely lived near rivers.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | % Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders |
Venancio | 748 | 71.79% | 1,042 |
Vences | 3,399 | 97.95% | 3,470 |
Venegas | 19,798 | 94.95% | 20,851 |
Ventura | 29,475 | 74.47% | 39,580 |
Venzor | 1,456 | 90.83% | 1,603 |
Vera | 30,650 | 91.02% | 33,674 |
Veras | 3,404 | 90.15% | 3,776 |
Verastegui | 1,130 | 93.00% | 1,215 |
Verdejo | 832 | 87.67% | 949 |
Verdugo | 6,534 | 90.62% | 7,210 |
Verduzco | 6,611 | 95.49% | 6,923 |
Vergara | 12,412 | 79.47% | 15,618 |
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | % Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders |
Vialpando | 1,297 | 80.76% | 1,606 |
Vicencio | 1,250 | 69.56% | 1,797 |
Vicente | 7,944 | 73.63% | 10,789 |
Victoria | 4,429 | 63.37% | 6,989 |
Victoriano | 1,257 | 77.31% | 1,626 |
Victorio | 740 | 72.12% | 1,026 |
Vicuna | 1,062 | 92.83% | 1,144 |
Vidal | 14,689 | 78.65% | 18,677 |
Vidales | 3,557 | 94.25% | 3,774 |
Vidals | 672 | 98.25% | 684 |
Vidana | 1,097 | 94.65% | 1,159 |
Vidaurri | 1,796 | 88.39% | 2,032 |
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | % Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders |
Vides | 2,117 | 92.77% | 2,282 |
Vidrio | 1,629 | 96.50% | 1,688 |
Vielma | 1,527 | 94.61% | 1,614 |
Viera | 9,169 | 77.30% | 11,861 |
Vieyra | 2,944 | 92.58% | 3,180 |
Vigil | 24,120 | 82.09% | 29,382 |
Vigo | 909 | 72.60% | 1,252 |
Vila | 2,120 | 70.29% | 3,016 |
Vilches | 783 | 83.21% | 941 |
Vilchez | 1,704 | 92.56% | 1,841 |
Vilchis | 2,246 | 97.19% | 2,311 |
From Villa To Villavicencio
Villanueva had over sixty thousand bearers in 2010. We see a lower percentage here of Hispanic people at about 82%.
Historically, there are many places across Spain with that name. The meaning comes from the words for a new settlement.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | % Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders |
Villa | 46,870 | 88.74% | 52,817 |
Villacis | 1,252 | 93.22% | 1,343 |
Villacorta | 1,296 | 74.06% | 1,750 |
Villada | 684 | 95.26% | 718 |
Villafan | 1,011 | 98.63% | 1,025 |
Villafana | 2,756 | 91.77% | 3,003 |
Villafane | 2,240 | 91.28% | 2,454 |
Villafranca | 1,004 | 81.03% | 1,239 |
Villafranco | 672 | 87.50% | 768 |
Villafuerte | 3,148 | 85.08% | 3,700 |
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | % Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders |
Villagomez | 10,607 | 94.02% | 11,282 |
Villagran | 3,458 | 94.51% | 3,659 |
Villagrana | 3,037 | 96.66% | 3,142 |
Villalba | 4,608 | 93.79% | 4,913 |
Villalobos | 35,806 | 94.84% | 37,754 |
Villalon | 2,075 | 82.28% | 2,522 |
Villalona | 888 | 96.00% | 925 |
Villalovos | 939 | 90.81% | 1,034 |
Villalpando | 7,385 | 94.43% | 7,821 |
Villalta | 4,480 | 95.24% | 4,704 |
Villalva | 1,650 | 91.31% | 1,807 |
Villalvazo | 1,619 | 96.77% | 1,673 |
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | % Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders |
Villamar | 1,053 | 83.84% | 1,256 |
Villamil | 1,334 | 79.59% | 1,676 |
Villanueva | 50,602 | 81.77% | 61,883 |
Villar | 4,013 | 72.57% | 5,530 |
Villareal | 8,072 | 83.96% | 9,614 |
Villarreal | 56,968 | 92.85% | 61,355 |
Villarroel | 1,025 | 90.23% | 1,136 |
Villarruel | 1,690 | 95.21% | 1,775 |
Villasana | 2,259 | 92.66% | 2,438 |
Villasenor | 13,360 | 94.22% | 14,180 |
Villatoro | 10,168 | 96.52% | 10,535 |
Villaverde | 849 | 71.05% | 1,195 |
Villavicencio | 3,541 | 86.32% | 4,102 |
From Villeda To Vizcarrondo
Villegas has over forty-eight thousand bearers in 2010 with 92% declaring as Hispanic.
There is a place of that name in the Burgos province in Spain.
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | % Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders |
Villeda | 5,331 | 96.68% | 5,514 |
Villegas | 44,653 | 91.88% | 48,599 |
Villela | 3,417 | 91.95% | 3,716 |
Villescas | 830 | 90.12% | 921 |
Villicana | 2,229 | 95.46% | 2,335 |
Vinas | 979 | 73.11% | 1,339 |
Viramontes | 5,241 | 94.53% | 5,544 |
Virella | 657 | 86.79% | 757 |
Virgen | 3,762 | 96.51% | 3,898 |
Virrueta | 700 | 97.49% | 718 |
Viruet | 971 | 91.09% | 1,066 |
Last Name | # Who Declared Hispanic | % Declared Hispanic | # Total Holders |
Viscarra | 687 | 92.46% | 743 |
Vitela | 1,602 | 88.22% | 1,816 |
Viteri | 1,029 | 88.25% | 1,166 |
Vivanco | 2,081 | 93.44% | 2,227 |
Vivar | 2,881 | 91.23% | 3,158 |
Vivas | 2,504 | 91.19% | 2,746 |
Viveros | 4,699 | 94.30% | 4,983 |
Vives | 804 | 81.46% | 987 |
Vizcaino | 2,860 | 94.70% | 3,020 |
Vizcarra | 4,476 | 90.50% | 4,946 |
Vizcarrondo | 657 | 88.54% | 742 |
Common Mexican Last Names Starting With V
The Mexican government doesn’t release data from recent censuses. However, the 1930 Mexican census is available.
Let’s compare the numbers from 1930 Mexico with the names I’ve already discussed. I’ve put the U.S. Hispanic numbers in this table.
You can see that they don’t exactly align in terms of how common they are in the two different countries. But the order is pretty close.
Last Name | Mexico 1930 | U.S. Hispanic 2010 |
Vasquez | 52,476 | 198,248 |
Vargas | 41,865 | 161,527 |
Vazquez | 50,115 | 132,443 |
Valdez | 15,327 | 110,821 |
Vega | 28,127 | 108,133 |
Velasquez | 18,976 | 74,112 |
Valencia | 20,187 | 62,461 |
Can’t Find A Surname That You Know?
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