Are you looking for a comprehensive list of last names beginning with “H”?
We’ve used the 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census to compile 1,043 surnames that start with the letter H and have at least two thousand bearers of the name.
In the table below, you’ll see the total number of bearers for the name in each census.
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Meanings Of Popular Last Names Starting With H

Here are the top ten most common last names beginning with H in the 2010 U.S. census.
They are in descending order of how common they are.
Surname | Bearers | Origins | Meaning |
Hernandez | 1,043,281 | Hispanic | courageous journey |
Harris | 624,252 | English | great ruler |
Hill | 434,827 | English, Germanic | lives by a hill |
Hall | 407,076 | English | lives by a town hall |
Howard | 264,826 | English | guard or soldier |
Hughes | 236,271 | Welsh, English | mind (thinker) |
Henderson | 218,393 | Germanic | son of the great ruler |
Hamilton | 201,746 | English, Scottish | lives near a crooked hill |
Hayes | 194,246 | Irish | fire |
Herrera | 192,711 | Hispanic | blacksmith’s forge |
The meanings given above are short summaries. Some names have several meanings depending on the region. We give more details later in this article.
Famous People With H Surnames

Here is an assorted collection of ten famous people with a family name starting with H.
Famous Person | Occupation | Best Known For |
Henry | Kings of England | Henry VIII: 6 wives, reformation |
Ernest Hemingway | American writer | The Old Man And The Sea |
Buddy Holly | American singer | Peggy Sue |
Homer | Ancient Greek writer | The Odyssey, The Iliad |
Whitney Houston | American singer | I Will Always Love You |
Seamus Heaney | Irish poet | Digging |
Stephen Hawking | English physicist | Black holes |
Thomas Hobbes | English philosopher | Leviathan |
Aldous Huxley | English writer | Brave New World |
George Handel | German composer | Messiah |
Last Names Starting With H
Let’s start with names from Ha to Haga.
Haas is the most common name in this section with nearly forty thousand bearers in the 2010 U.S. census.
The name has Germanic origins. The meaning comes from the word for a hare. The early bearers may have been given the name because they were fleet of foot.

Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Ha | 12,988 | 18,156 |
Haack | 3,864 | 3,832 |
Haag | 9,645 | 9,957 |
Haak | 2,236 | 2,405 |
Haar | 2,198 | 2,096 |
Haas | 34,032 | 34,918 |
Haase | 8,684 | 8,904 |
Haber | 5,202 | 5,258 |
Haberman | 4,000 | 4,053 |
Habib | 3,404 | 4,932 |
Hack | 5,979 | 6,468 |
Hackbarth | 2,355 | 2,385 |
Hacker | 13,178 | 13,625 |
Hackett | 19,637 | 20,278 |
Hackler | 3,067 | 3,367 |
Hackman | 4,023 | 4,242 |
Hackney | 9,291 | 9,507 |
Hackworth | 4,375 | 4,566 |
Haddad | 9,317 | 10,804 |
Hadden | 5,840 | 6,593 |
Haddix | 3,030 | 3,033 |
Haddock | 7,628 | 7,940 |
Haddox | 2,207 | 2,348 |
Haden | 2,944 | 3,080 |
Hadfield | 2,166 | 2,275 |
Hadley | 20,710 | 21,771 |
Hafer | 3,771 | 3,989 |
Haffner | 2,958 | 3,170 |
Hafner | 5,140 | 5,187 |
Haga | 2,986 | 2,994 |
From Hagan to Haines
Hail is the most common name in this section with about eight-six thousand bearers in the 2010 census.
This name has Scottish and English origins. The meaning derives from the Old Norse word for a healthy person (heill).
The early bearers may have been the heads of a strong and well-nourished family.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Hagan | 19,973 | 21,017 |
Hagans | 3,188 | 3,316 |
Hagar | 2,836 | 3,075 |
Hage | 2,692 | 2,763 |
Hagedorn | 4,213 | 4,116 |
Hageman | 5,333 | 5,494 |
Hagemann | 2,327 | 2,444 |
Hagen | 23,175 | 23,616 |
Hager | 20,422 | 21,106 |
Hagerman | 5,153 | 5,426 |
Hagerty | 5,405 | 5,750 |
Haggard | 8,300 | 8,384 |
Haggerty | 10,961 | 11,320 |
Hagins | 1,915 | 2,125 |
Hagler | 5,368 | 5,775 |
Haglund | 2,393 | 2,431 |
Hagood | 3,912 | 3,922 |
Hagstrom | 2,240 | 2,245 |
Hague | 5,676 | 7,093 |
Hagy | 2,918 | 2,795 |
Hahn | 38,354 | 40,250 |
Haider | 2,999 | 4,107 |
Haigh | 2,701 | 2,727 |
Haight | 6,739 | 6,929 |
Haigler | 2,321 | 2,502 |
Hail | 2,860 | 86,240 |
Haile | 4,701 | 6,663 |
Hailey | 7,008 | 8,327 |
Hain | 2,717 | 2,776 |
Haines | 29,065 | 29,462 |
From Hair to Hallowell
Hall is the most common name in this section with over 407 thousand bearers in the 2010 census.
The name is found across Europe in medieval times. The meaning comes from the word for a hall in many old European languages.
The larger medieval towns had a town hall where administration and justice were carried out. Wealthy landowners also had a hall in their residence for gatherings and feasts.
The early bearers of the name may have lived near the town hall or worked in the halls of nobility.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Hair | 8,231 | 7,814 |
Haire | 5,672 | 5,794 |
Hairston | 14,891 | 16,090 |
Haislip | 1,810 | 2,021 |
Hajek | 2,219 | 2,119 |
Hake | 3,816 | 3,918 |
Hakes | 2,429 | 2,480 |
Hakim | 2,520 | 3,165 |
Halbert | 4,518 | 4,878 |
Halcomb | 3,719 | 3,883 |
Haldeman | 3,064 | 3,284 |
Hale | 82,955 | 86,618 |
Hales | 7,743 | 8,363 |
Haley | 36,433 | 37,858 |
Halford | 3,208 | 3,340 |
Hall | 473,568 | 407,076 |
Hallam | 3,047 | 3,340 |
Hallberg | 2,680 | 2,762 |
Hallenbeck | 1,986 | 2,068 |
Haller | 9,562 | 9,992 |
Hallett | 5,078 | 5,731 |
Halley | 4,870 | 3,943 |
Halliburton | 2,791 | 2,935 |
Halliday | 4,418 | 4,568 |
Halligan | 3,107 | 3,220 |
Hallman | 9,642 | 9,938 |
Hallmark | 4,428 | 4,426 |
Hallock | 4,659 | 4,930 |
Halloran | 5,223 | 5,465 |
Hallowell | 2,304 | 2,491 |
From Halpem to Hamm
Hamilton is the most common name in this section with over two hundred thousand bearers in the 2010 census.
There is a town in Scotland of the same name. People who lived there would take the name of Hamilton.
The meaning comes from the words for a crooked or jagged hill.

Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Halpern | 4,005 | 4,121 |
Halpin | 5,699 | 5,865 |
Halsey | 7,420 | 7,619 |
Halstead | 8,713 | 9,027 |
Halter | 4,185 | 4,349 |
Halterman | 3,369 | 4,156 |
Halverson | 11,377 | 11,781 |
Halvorsen | 3,260 | 3,500 |
Halvorson | 6,184 | 6,298 |
Ham | 15,843 | 16,980 |
Haman | 2,332 | 2,974 |
Hamann | 5,507 | 6,078 |
Hamblen | 2,053 | 2,207 |
Hamblin | 8,421 | 8,936 |
Hambrick | 5,204 | 5,501 |
Hamburg | 2,153 | 2,177 |
Hamby | 13,802 | 13,823 |
Hamdan | 1,605 | 2,412 |
Hamed | 1,393 | 2,178 |
Hamel | 10,592 | 10,944 |
Hamer | 6,526 | 6,783 |
Hames | 3,755 | 3,633 |
Hamid | 2,295 | 3,433 |
Hamil | 2,059 | 2,198 |
Hamill | 5,559 | 5,781 |
Hamilton | 194,331 | 201,746 |
Hamlet | 3,094 | 3,227 |
Hamlett | 5,265 | 5,435 |
Hamlin | 16,358 | 16,871 |
Hamm | 26,392 | 26,726 |
From Hammack to Haney
Hammond is the most common name in this section with nearly seventy thousand bearers.
The name was brought to England by the Normans. The meaning comes from the word for “home”.
Hampton has very similar numbers in the census. Indeed, it sounds very similar to Hammond and the meaning may include the Norman word for home.
The second syllable is derived from the Old English word for a settlement (tun).
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Hammack | 4,944 | 5,080 |
Hamman | 3,889 | 4,555 |
Hammel | 4,886 | 5,146 |
Hammer | 21,947 | 21,709 |
Hammers | 2,361 | 2,569 |
Hammes | 2,062 | 2,227 |
Hammett | 7,206 | 7,590 |
Hammock | 7,287 | 7,222 |
Hammon | 4,109 | 4,424 |
Hammond | 67,063 | 69,515 |
Hammonds | 12,238 | 12,710 |
Hammons | 11,008 | 11,273 |
Hammontree | 1,901 | 2,002 |
Hamner | 3,071 | 3,604 |
Hamon | 1,778 | 2,031 |
Hampson | 2,485 | 2,653 |
Hampton | 66,378 | 69,472 |
Hamrick | 12,099 | 12,168 |
Han | 20,318 | 29,847 |
Hance | 4,277 | 4,464 |
Hancock | 49,330 | 50,558 |
Hand | 22,034 | 22,006 |
Handel | 2,346 | 2,367 |
Handler | 2,357 | 2,478 |
Handley | 9,671 | 9,722 |
Handy | 13,655 | 14,537 |
Haner | 1,722 | 2,225 |
Hanes | 9,020 | 9,268 |
Haney | 32,644 | 33,898 |
From Hang to Harada
Hansen is the most common name here with nearly 140 thousand bearers in the 2010 census.
Hansen means “son of Hans” and is of Norwegian and Danish origin. Hans is a form of “John”.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Hang | 5,406 | 6,863 |
Hanger | 1,984 | 2,128 |
Hanke | 3,652 | 3,609 |
Hankerson | 2,134 | 2,561 |
Hankins | 21,138 | 21,532 |
Hankinson | 1,974 | 2,142 |
Hanks | 17,141 | 17,498 |
Hanley | 19,160 | 19,240 |
Hanlin | 2,084 | 2,211 |
Hanlon | 10,138 | 10,278 |
Hann | 6,316 | 6,420 |
Hanna | 35,599 | 39,890 |
Hannah | 19,164 | 20,138 |
Hannan | 6,180 | 7,086 |
Hanneman | 2,368 | 2,659 |
Hanner | 3,672 | 3,748 |
Hannigan | 4,212 | 4,554 |
Hannon | 11,578 | 11,893 |
Hannum | 2,337 | 2,358 |
Hanrahan | 5,509 | 5,578 |
Hans | 3,991 | 4,427 |
Hansel | 3,704 | 3,815 |
Hansen | 133,474 | 137,977 |
Hansford | 2,896 | 3,149 |
Hanshaw | 2,829 | 3,030 |
Hanson | 109,079 | 111,144 |
Hao | 1,266 | 2,452 |
Haq | 1,313 | 2,132 |
Haque | 2,077 | 2,778 |
Hara | 2,497 | 2,603 |
Harada | 1,984 | 2,030 |
From Haralson to Harms
Hardy is the most common name in this section with over eighty thousand bearers.
The English and French origins come from the Old French words for a courageous man.
Harmon has similar numbers in the census. This name was also brought to England by the Normans. The name is a variant of Herman, which is actually of Germanic origins.
The meaning comes from the Germanic words for a soldier.

Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Haralson | 2,556 | 2,991 |
Harb | 1,540 | 2,012 |
Harbaugh | 4,864 | 4,895 |
Harber | 3,353 | 3,416 |
Harbert | 2,915 | 3,115 |
Harbin | 8,259 | 8,587 |
Harbison | 6,002 | 6,215 |
Harbour | 4,006 | 4,155 |
Hard | 6,831 | 3,085 |
Hardaway | 4,793 | 5,163 |
Hardcastle | 2,875 | 2,959 |
Hardee | 5,999 | 6,283 |
Hardeman | 4,272 | 4,565 |
Harden | 25,241 | 26,617 |
Harder | 9,863 | 9,665 |
Hardesty | 10,425 | 10,817 |
Hardie | 3,855 | 4,071 |
Hardiman | 3,728 | 4,296 |
Hardin | 41,664 | 42,469 |
Harding | 38,340 | 39,787 |
Hardison | 7,909 | 8,128 |
Hardman | 9,101 | 9,430 |
Hardt | 2,578 | 2,729 |
Hardwick | 10,324 | 10,841 |
Hardy | 76,608 | 80,252 |
Hare | 15,739 | 16,304 |
Harford | 1,792 | 2,032 |
Harger | 2,685 | 2,740 |
Hargett | 5,364 | 5,876 |
Hargis | 8,361 | 8,503 |
Hargrave | 6,930 | 7,037 |
Hargraves | 3,230 | 3,324 |
Hargreaves | 2,152 | 2,238 |
Hargrove | 19,555 | 20,360 |
Haring | 2,898 | 2,997 |
Harjo | 2,089 | 2,172 |
Harker | 4,795 | 5,485 |
Harkey | 2,831 | 3,158 |
Harkins | 11,598 | 11,662 |
Harkless | 1,609 | 2,040 |
Harkness | 5,635 | 5,783 |
Harlan | 10,775 | 11,339 |
Harland | 2,443 | 2,570 |
Harless | 6,580 | 6,746 |
Harley | 11,409 | 12,186 |
Harlow | 11,128 | 11,726 |
Harman | 14,237 | 14,658 |
Harmer | 2,416 | 2,515 |
Harmon | 72,414 | 74,737 |
Harms | 13,468 | 14,377 |
From Hamed to Hartzell
Harris is the most common name here with over 624 thousand bearers in 2010.
The name is of English origins and is a variant of Harry, which in turn is a form of Henry. The meaning comes from the Germanic words for a great ruler.
The name was taken by a series of English kings and spread throughout the land.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Harned | 2,169 | 2,213 |
Harner | 4,033 | 4,277 |
Harness | 5,199 | 5,371 |
Harney | 5,151 | 5,376 |
Harnish | 3,152 | 3,175 |
Haro | 5,602 | 11,547 |
Harold | 6,428 | 6,141 |
Harp | 13,295 | 13,646 |
Harper | 119,868 | 124,461 |
Harpster | 2,050 | 2,058 |
Harr | 5,466 | 6,021 |
Harrah | 2,555 | 2,511 |
Harrell | 48,471 | 50,837 |
Harrelson | 7,639 | 8,023 |
Harrigan | 5,801 | 6,646 |
Harriman | 4,851 | 5,045 |
Harrington | 65,131 | 66,959 |
Harris | 593,542 | 624,252 |
Harrison | 175,577 | 181,091 |
Harrod | 4,913 | 4,909 |
Harrold | 4,655 | 4,884 |
Harry | 8,799 | 9,311 |
Harsh | 3,051 | 3,407 |
Harshbarger | 3,276 | 3,413 |
Harshman | 3,688 | 3,647 |
Hart | 132,466 | 137,184 |
Harte | 2,632 | 3,202 |
Harter | 9,843 | 10,020 |
Hartfield | 3,267 | 3,394 |
Hartford | 4,260 | 4,336 |
Hartigan | 2,593 | 2,707 |
Hartin | 2,069 | 3,644 |
Harting | 1,823 | 2,039 |
Hartle | 2,904 | 3,498 |
Hartley | 30,236 | 31,221 |
Hartline | 3,268 | 3,610 |
Hartman | 63,827 | 64,106 |
Hartmann | 10,612 | 11,000 |
Hartnett | 6,200 | 6,387 |
Hartsell | 3,919 | 4,040 |
Hartsfield | 4,010 | 4,192 |
Hartshorn | 3,019 | 3,101 |
Hartsock | 3,241 | 3,279 |
Hartung | 5,042 | 5,148 |
Hartwell | 6,621 | 7,032 |
Hartwick | 2,592 | 2,672 |
Hartwig | 5,947 | 5,913 |
Harty | 3,564 | 3,842 |
Hartz | 3,867 | 4,153 |
Hartzell | 6,389 | 6,494 |
From Hartzog to Haun
Harvey is the most common name in this section with over 115 thousand bearers in 2010.
The name is of Norman origins before it arrived in England. It derives from the French name Hervé. The meaning comes from the word for a battle.

Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Hartzog | 2,890 | 3,031 |
Harvell | 4,074 | 4,284 |
Harvey | 112,136 | 115,662 |
Harville | 4,011 | 4,157 |
Harvin | 2,390 | 2,793 |
Harwell | 7,219 | 7,234 |
Harwood | 11,138 | 11,238 |
Hasan | 6,074 | 9,374 |
Hash | 6,351 | 5,397 |
Hashimoto | 2,706 | 2,694 |
Haskell | 9,376 | 9,816 |
Haskett | 2,280 | 2,359 |
Haskin | 3,104 | 3,339 |
Haskins | 16,457 | 16,842 |
Haslam | 2,830 | 3,081 |
Hass | 6,672 | 6,863 |
Hassan | 11,993 | 21,801 |
Hasse | 1,935 | 2,148 |
Hassell | 6,058 | 6,273 |
Hassen | 1,506 | 2,156 |
Hassett | 3,436 | 3,576 |
Hassinger | 1,851 | 2,106 |
Hassler | 4,128 | 4,499 |
Hasson | 3,101 | 3,233 |
Hastings | 27,201 | 28,015 |
Hasty | 6,641 | 6,654 |
Hatch | 25,564 | 26,903 |
Hatcher | 28,424 | 29,235 |
Hatchett | 5,334 | 5,726 |
Hatfield | 33,464 | 34,381 |
Hathaway | 18,041 | 18,401 |
Hathcock | 3,603 | 3,726 |
Hathorn | 2,125 | 2,207 |
Hatley | 6,151 | 6,468 |
Hatmaker | 2,193 | 2,279 |
Hatt | 2,480 | 2,574 |
Hatten | 5,360 | 5,907 |
Hatter | 3,344 | 3,765 |
Hatton | 11,292 | 12,090 |
Hau | 2,461 | 3,592 |
Hauck | 7,893 | 8,322 |
Hauer | 2,880 | 3,118 |
Haug | 4,844 | 4,989 |
Hauge | 2,714 | 2,883 |
Haugen | 9,146 | 9,461 |
Haugh | 3,460 | 3,558 |
Haught | 4,556 | 4,699 |
Haughton | 3,035 | 3,577 |
Hauk | 1,586 | 2,227 |
Haun | 5,094 | 5,261 |
From Haupt to Hazzard
Hayes is the most common name in this section. It is of Irish origin and we will cover Irish names in a separate article.
Hawkins is the next most common name and it is of English origins. There are several theories as to its origins. They may all be true.
One theory is that the “kin” is a diminutive tacked on to “Haw”, which was a variant of Ralph. Eh? Well, the Middle English “Raw” was a version of “Ralph”.
Another theory is that its connected with the Old English word “heafoc” which means… a hawk.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Haupt | 5,224 | 5,327 |
Hause | 2,426 | 2,377 |
Hauser | 15,648 | 15,981 |
Hausman | 2,989 | 2,983 |
Hausmann | 2,023 | 2,066 |
Havard | 3,311 | 3,495 |
Havel | 2,010 | 2,066 |
Haven | 3,463 | 3,614 |
Havens | 11,214 | 11,699 |
Haviland | 3,305 | 3,410 |
Hawes | 9,522 | 9,908 |
Hawk | 16,240 | 16,884 |
Hawker | 2,050 | 2,089 |
Hawkes | 5,314 | 5,555 |
Hawkins | 134,066 | 139,751 |
Hawkinson | 3,060 | 3,102 |
Hawks | 8,337 | 8,639 |
Hawley | 16,578 | 18,100 |
Hawn | 3,988 | 3,556 |
Haworth | 4,832 | 5,030 |
Haws | 3,641 | 4,138 |
Hawthorne | 15,968 | 16,758 |
Hay | 17,824 | 18,029 |
Hayashi | 3,123 | 2,992 |
Hayden | 36,024 | 37,451 |
Haydon | 2,075 | 2,076 |
Hayes | 187,473 | 194,246 |
Haygood | 4,257 | 4,536 |
Hayhurst | 2,494 | 2,452 |
Hayman | 4,663 | 4,945 |
Haynes | 82,037 | 85,974 |
Haynie | 6,406 | 6,400 |
Hays | 33,194 | 34,191 |
Hayward | 15,044 | 15,665 |
Haywood | 17,485 | 18,360 |
Hayworth | 2,388 | 2,435 |
Hazard | 3,937 | 4,054 |
Hazel | 7,234 | 7,711 |
Hazelton | 4,467 | 4,656 |
Hazelwood | 6,419 | 6,567 |
Hazen | 7,345 | 7,532 |
Hazlett | 5,040 | 5,122 |
Hazzard | 3,747 | 3,965 |
From Heald to Heimann
Heath is the most common name in this section with over fifty-one thousand bearers in the 2010 census.
The English origins come from the Old English word for an area of uncultivated land with coarse grass and heather. We still call this a heath.
The early bearers would have lived near this type of land.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Heald | 3,445 | 3,503 |
Healey | 10,327 | 10,370 |
Healy | 21,407 | 21,751 |
Heaney | 3,928 | 4,197 |
Heaps | 2,197 | 2,306 |
Heard | 22,211 | 23,408 |
Hearn | 14,680 | 15,234 |
Hearne | 3,423 | 3,554 |
Heasley | 2,113 | 2,144 |
Heater | 3,323 | 3,634 |
Heath | 50,307 | 51,877 |
Heatherly | 2,994 | 2,987 |
Heaton | 13,700 | 13,834 |
Hebb | 2,286 | 2,177 |
Hebert | 40,283 | 41,275 |
Hecht | 7,333 | 7,466 |
Heck | 13,744 | 13,995 |
Heckel | 2,168 | 2,378 |
Hecker | 5,436 | 5,260 |
Heckler | 2,153 | 2,590 |
Heckman | 9,637 | 9,709 |
Hector | 4,000 | 4,387 |
Hedberg | 2,397 | 2,598 |
Hedden | 3,644 | 3,704 |
Hedge | 3,581 | 3,805 |
Hedgepeth | 3,159 | 3,327 |
Hedges | 9,371 | 9,625 |
Hedlund | 3,314 | 3,344 |
Hedman | 1,961 | 2,067 |
Hedrick | 18,359 | 18,804 |
Heer | 1,879 | 2,007 |
Heeter | 1,976 | 2,131 |
Heffernan | 6,532 | 6,961 |
Heffner | 7,029 | 6,980 |
Heffron | 2,337 | 2,380 |
Heflin | 7,431 | 7,609 |
Hefner | 8,073 | 8,100 |
Hegarty | 3,109 | 3,355 |
Heid | 2,458 | 4,040 |
Heide | 1,956 | 2,029 |
Heideman | 1,846 | 2,274 |
Heiden | 2,580 | 2,620 |
Heidenreich | 2,235 | 2,201 |
Heider | 2,742 | 2,807 |
Heidt | 2,072 | 2,643 |
Heil | 8,228 | 8,205 |
Heilman | 6,641 | 7,876 |
Heim | 8,627 | 14,414 |
Heiman | 2,793 | 4,070 |
Heimann | 2,102 | 2,153 |
From Heimback to Hendren
Henderson is the most common name in this section with over 218 thousand bearers in 2010.
The name means “son of Henry”. As I mentioned earlier, Henry means a great ruler.
Plenty of the names in this section are of Germanic origin.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Heimbach | 2,034 | 2,041 |
Heims | 1,108 | 6,881 |
Hein | 12,953 | 12,586 |
Heine | 5,023 | 5,054 |
Heineman | 2,298 | 2,741 |
Heinemann | 2,564 | 3,403 |
Heinen | 3,557 | 3,675 |
Heiner | 2,062 | 2,392 |
Heinrich | 8,240 | 8,552 |
Heinrichs | 1,988 | 2,082 |
Heins | 3,673 | 3,757 |
Heintz | 5,579 | 5,655 |
Heinz | 8,300 | 8,311 |
Heinze | 2,643 | 2,629 |
Heise | 4,052 | 4,282 |
Heiser | 6,249 | 6,606 |
Heisler | 5,476 | 5,539 |
Heiss | 2,394 | 2,460 |
Heitman | 3,210 | 3,503 |
Heitmann | 1,391 | 2,474 |
Heitz | 2,723 | 2,852 |
Heitzman | 2,023 | 2,032 |
Held | 9,126 | 7,195 |
Helfrich | 3,480 | 3,482 |
Helgeson | 3,559 | 3,537 |
Helland | 2,478 | 2,835 |
Heller | 25,371 | 25,373 |
Hellman | 4,469 | 3,360 |
Helm | 16,700 | 11,649 |
Helman | 3,626 | 2,514 |
Helmer | 5,170 | 5,674 |
Helmick | 5,262 | 5,583 |
Helms | 29,727 | 23,949 |
Helmuth | 2,451 | 2,931 |
Helsel | 3,207 | 3,641 |
Helt | 2,012 | 2,534 |
Helton | 24,624 | 25,118 |
Helwig | 2,946 | 2,863 |
Hembree | 6,603 | 6,665 |
Hemenway | 2,650 | 2,811 |
Hemingway | 5,581 | 5,970 |
Hemmer | 2,463 | 2,549 |
Hempel | 2,837 | 2,819 |
Hemphill | 13,054 | 13,495 |
Henao | 1,669 | 2,431 |
Hendershot | 5,967 | 5,963 |
Henderson | 210,094 | 218,393 |
Hendley | 3,321 | 3,473 |
Hendon | 3,260 | 3,398 |
Hendren | 3,334 | 3,578 |
From Hendricks to Hermanson
We’ve already mentioned Henry several times as there are plenty of names that are variants of it.
Now we come to the name itself. It has over 170 thousand bearers in the 2010 census. It’s not actually as popular as some of its variants and derivatives!
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Hendrick | 7,939 | 7,988 |
Hendricks | 41,879 | 43,197 |
Hendrickson | 29,496 | 30,259 |
Hendrix | 34,032 | 35,194 |
Hendry | 5,417 | 5,591 |
Heng | 2,873 | 3,819 |
Henke | 7,557 | 7,566 |
Henkel | 5,161 | 5,135 |
Henley | 20,276 | 20,934 |
Henn | 3,643 | 3,743 |
Henne | 2,140 | 2,185 |
Hennen | 2,533 | 2,787 |
Hennessey | 8,036 | 8,357 |
Hennessy | 9,187 | 9,338 |
Hennig | 2,421 | 2,415 |
Hennigan | 2,901 | 2,978 |
Henning | 16,153 | 16,557 |
Henninger | 3,865 | 4,262 |
Hennings | 3,117 | 3,467 |
Henrich | 2,700 | 2,843 |
Henrichs | 2,169 | 2,232 |
Henrickson | 2,097 | 2,423 |
Henriksen | 2,919 | 2,935 |
Henriques | 2,455 | 2,857 |
Henriquez | 9,824 | 15,657 |
Henry | 161,392 | 170,964 |
Hensel | 5,445 | 5,429 |
Henshaw | 4,712 | 4,765 |
Hensler | 2,156 | 2,453 |
Hensley | 49,858 | 51,081 |
Henson | 46,609 | 48,013 |
Henthorn | 1,985 | 2,054 |
Henton | 2,271 | 2,318 |
Hepburn | 3,291 | 3,479 |
Hepler | 4,315 | 4,445 |
Hepner | 3,045 | 2,961 |
Her | 10,434 | 15,089 |
Herald | 4,020 | 4,289 |
Herb | 3,107 | 3,282 |
Herbert | 25,224 | 26,417 |
Herbst | 8,093 | 8,419 |
Hercules | 1,601 | 2,449 |
Herd | 5,287 | 4,803 |
Heredia | 12,703 | 17,506 |
Hereford | 2,080 | 2,206 |
Hering | 3,100 | 3,344 |
Herlihy | 2,470 | 2,556 |
Herman | 42,091 | 41,750 |
Hermann | 8,288 | 8,858 |
Hermanson | 3,801 | 3,937 |
From Hermes to Hibbard
Hernandez is the most common name in this section with over one million bearers in 2010. This makes it one of the most popular names in the United States.
We’ve covered it in more detail in our list of Hispanic surnames starting with H.
I’ll take a look at Hess instead which has Germanic origins. There is a region named Hesse in Germany. Early bearers came from the territory.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Hermes | 3,966 | 4,407 |
Hermosillo | 4,763 | 6,508 |
Hern | 3,114 | 2,865 |
Hernandes | 7,313 | 8,612 |
Hernandez | 706,372 | 1,043,281 |
Herndon | 18,838 | 19,183 |
Herod | 2,356 | 2,406 |
Herold | 5,715 | 5,705 |
Heron | 3,561 | 3,934 |
Herr | 12,466 | 11,980 |
Herrell | 2,582 | 2,723 |
Herren | 4,275 | 4,466 |
Herrera | 140,786 | 192,711 |
Herrick | 12,002 | 12,202 |
Herrin | 7,667 | 7,755 |
Herring | 37,353 | 38,733 |
Herrington | 13,628 | 14,498 |
Herrman | 2,105 | 2,200 |
Herrmann | 13,056 | 13,226 |
Herron | 25,776 | 26,559 |
Hersey | 3,696 | 3,780 |
Hersh | 3,669 | 3,589 |
Hershberger | 10,693 | 14,357 |
Hershey | 5,951 | 6,182 |
Hershman | 2,052 | 2,302 |
Hertel | 4,057 | 4,395 |
Hertz | 4,097 | 4,257 |
Hertzog | 2,298 | 2,261 |
Hervey | 2,775 | 2,900 |
Herzog | 10,825 | 11,146 |
Hess | 57,822 | 59,486 |
Hesse | 5,929 | 6,084 |
Hessler | 3,319 | 3,447 |
Hesson | 2,273 | 2,295 |
Hester | 34,675 | 35,642 |
Heston | 2,792 | 2,841 |
Hetherington | 3,250 | 3,403 |
Hetrick | 6,548 | 6,784 |
Hettinger | 2,962 | 3,111 |
Hetzel | 3,679 | 3,607 |
Heuer | 4,112 | 4,350 |
Hewett | 6,159 | 6,336 |
Hewitt | 28,857 | 29,694 |
Hewlett | 3,859 | 3,927 |
Heyer | 3,301 | 3,295 |
Heyman | 2,789 | 2,838 |
Heyward | 4,419 | 4,867 |
Heywood | 2,938 | 3,123 |
Hiatt | 10,096 | 10,247 |
Hibbard | 7,617 | 7,885 |
Hibbert | 3,332 | 4,037 |
Hibbs | 5,499 | 5,585 |
From Hibbs to Hills
Hill is the most common name of this section with over 434 thousand bearers in 2010.
There are different origins depending on the region.
The Germanic origins are from the old word for a battle (“hild”).
The English origins are more obvious and come from the Old English word for a hill (“hyll”).
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Hice | 2,410 | 2,355 |
Hickerson | 5,001 | 5,041 |
Hickey | 28,970 | 29,350 |
Hickman | 40,224 | 41,163 |
Hickok | 2,987 | 2,645 |
Hickox | 1,734 | 2,145 |
Hicks | 153,618 | 158,320 |
Hickson | 5,345 | 5,610 |
Hidalgo | 16,824 | 23,134 |
Hiebert | 2,285 | 2,574 |
Hiers | 2,676 | 2,812 |
Higa | 3,925 | 3,940 |
Higareda | 1,489 | 2,189 |
Higbee | 3,290 | 3,355 |
Higdon | 9,310 | 9,753 |
Higginbotham | 14,404 | 14,489 |
Higgins | 78,107 | 79,803 |
Higgs | 10,026 | 10,333 |
High | 13,236 | 13,961 |
Highfill | 2,290 | 2,368 |
Highland | 2,384 | 2,342 |
Highsmith | 4,153 | 4,299 |
Hight | 5,540 | 5,629 |
Hightower | 19,054 | 20,065 |
Higley | 4,154 | 4,298 |
Higuera | 3,159 | 4,238 |
Hilario | 2,511 | 3,854 |
Hilbert | 5,650 | 6,077 |
Hilburn | 4,331 | 4,390 |
Hildebrand | 11,272 | 11,687 |
Hildebrandt | 5,176 | 5,448 |
Hilderbrand | 2,922 | 3,113 |
Hildreth | 7,302 | 7,269 |
Hile | 2,878 | 2,685 |
Hileman | 4,592 | 4,806 |
Hiles | 3,960 | 3,962 |
Hilger | 1,884 | 2,032 |
Hill | 411,770 | 434,827 |
Hillard | 5,910 | 6,223 |
Hillenbrand | 1,458 | 2,252 |
Hiller | 9,063 | 10,546 |
Hillhouse | 1,973 | 2,012 |
Hilliard | 19,564 | 20,377 |
Hillier | 2,783 | 3,079 |
Hilliker | 2,033 | 2,181 |
Hillis | 5,673 | 5,866 |
Hillman | 15,448 | 15,738 |
Hills | 12,867 | 13,829 |
Hillyard | 2,062 | 2,225 |
Hillyer | 2,456 | 2,676 |
From Hilson to Hixson
Hinton is the most common name in this section.
The name is of English origins. The meaning comes from the Old English words for a religious community (hina) and a settlement (tun).
There are plenty of places called Hinton throughout England. The name would be taken by people from those places.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Hilson | 1,991 | 2,723 |
Hilt | 3,032 | 3,185 |
Hilton | 28,098 | 28,918 |
Hilty | 2,382 | 3,037 |
Himes | 8,419 | 8,831 |
Hinckley | 3,924 | 4,227 |
Hindman | 5,587 | 6,056 |
Hinds | 14,291 | 15,337 |
Hine | 3,774 | 3,738 |
Hiner | 3,242 | 3,390 |
Hines | 68,145 | 71,717 |
Hinkel | 2,446 | 2,449 |
Hinkle | 22,581 | 22,983 |
Hinkley | 4,136 | 4,271 |
Hinkson | 1,668 | 2,067 |
Hinman | 5,336 | 5,303 |
Hinnant | 2,292 | 2,336 |
Hinojos | 3,265 | 4,006 |
Hinojosa | 21,228 | 26,146 |
Hinrichs | 4,774 | 4,825 |
Hinshaw | 4,398 | 4,466 |
Hinson | 19,293 | 19,857 |
Hinton | 33,209 | 35,606 |
Hintz | 7,242 | 7,406 |
Hinz | 4,711 | 4,574 |
Hinze | 1,968 | 2,062 |
Hipolito | 1,828 | 2,890 |
Hipp | 4,790 | 4,660 |
Hipps | 2,413 | 2,418 |
Hirsch | 16,864 | 17,072 |
Hirsh | 2,239 | 2,185 |
Hirst | 3,546 | 3,630 |
Hirt | 2,753 | 2,810 |
Hise | 2,200 | 2,205 |
Hiser | 2,870 | 3,081 |
Hitch | 2,189 | 2,256 |
Hitchcock | 13,664 | 13,608 |
Hitchens | 2,235 | 2,359 |
Hite | 11,776 | 11,810 |
Hitt | 7,700 | 7,762 |
Hittle | 2,108 | 2,649 |
Hively | 2,304 | 2,350 |
Hix | 5,844 | 5,244 |
Hixon | 4,847 | 5,091 |
Hixson | 6,285 | 6,408 |
From Ho to Hogue
Hoffman is the most common name in this section with over 130 thousand bearers in the 2010 census. The variant of Hoffman (two fs) had nearly seventeen thousand people.
There are about ten names in this section that start with “Hoff”. These are of Germanic origin and the word means a farm.
The name Hoffman is simply a man who owns a farm (a farmer) or a man who manages a farm.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Ho | 40,413 | 49,817 |
Hoadley | 2,269 | 2,306 |
Hoag | 6,822 | 6,752 |
Hoagland | 6,043 | 6,335 |
Hoang | 21,269 | 29,798 |
Hoard | 3,836 | 3,992 |
Hoban | 2,994 | 3,439 |
Hobart | 3,080 | 3,129 |
Hobbs | 47,220 | 48,522 |
Hobby | 2,839 | 2,851 |
Hobgood | 2,537 | 2,500 |
Hobson | 16,517 | 17,043 |
Hoch | 7,048 | 6,095 |
Hochstetler | 4,745 | 6,372 |
Hock | 5,058 | 4,739 |
Hockaday | 2,217 | 2,320 |
Hockenberry | 3,844 | 4,086 |
Hocker | 3,120 | 3,229 |
Hockett | 3,089 | 3,280 |
Hocking | 2,934 | 2,969 |
Hockman | 2,524 | 3,242 |
Hodgdon | 2,320 | 2,418 |
Hodge | 50,577 | 52,920 |
Hodges | 68,868 | 70,223 |
Hodgins | 2,092 | 2,104 |
Hodgkins | 2,501 | 2,505 |
Hodgson | 9,908 | 10,173 |
Hodnett | 2,536 | 2,613 |
Hodson | 5,430 | 6,296 |
Hoefer | 2,290 | 2,375 |
Hoeft | 2,992 | 3,056 |
Hoehn | 3,621 | 3,499 |
Hoekstra | 3,312 | 3,544 |
Hoelscher | 3,238 | 3,387 |
Hoerner | 1,995 | 2,070 |
Hoey | 4,096 | 4,062 |
Hofer | 8,283 | 7,682 |
Hoff | 17,408 | 17,223 |
Hoffer | 6,064 | 5,969 |
Hoffman | 132,645 | 131,401 |
Hoffmann | 15,970 | 16,966 |
Hoffner | 2,202 | 2,198 |
Hoffpauir | 1,946 | 2,038 |
Hofmann | 8,824 | 9,192 |
Hofmeister | 2,299 | 2,394 |
Hofstetter | 2,164 | 2,195 |
Hogan | 61,651 | 63,085 |
Hoge | 2,827 | 2,662 |
Hogg | 7,299 | 7,119 |
Hoggard | 3,088 | 3,239 |
Hogge | 2,241 | 2,174 |
Hogle | 1,900 | 2,027 |
Hogue | 15,442 | 16,457 |
From Honey to Houtz
Hopkins is the most common name in this section.
With names of English origins, the “kins” or “kin” suffix is tacked on as a pet form. Hopkins is a pet form and shortened version of Robert.
Robert spread across England after the Norman Conquest. It is also prevalent across Western Europe.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Honey | 2,726 | 2,923 |
Honeycutt | 16,330 | 16,587 |
Hong | 24,017 | 31,670 |
Honore | 1,804 | 2,191 |
Hood | 53,737 | 55,174 |
Hook | 13,171 | 13,437 |
Hooker | 16,479 | 16,646 |
Hooks | 16,341 | 17,053 |
Hooper | 34,084 | 34,247 |
Hoopes | 3,164 | 3,452 |
Hoops | 2,211 | 2,149 |
Hooten | 4,508 | 4,751 |
Hoover | 56,068 | 57,497 |
Hope | 16,710 | 17,562 |
Hopkins | 94,603 | 96,810 |
Hopp | 4,356 | 4,225 |
Hoppe | 9,115 | 9,215 |
Hopper | 26,956 | 27,353 |
Hoppes | 2,012 | 2,010 |
Hopson | 12,050 | 12,180 |
Hopwood | 2,696 | 2,875 |
Horak | 2,725 | 2,947 |
Horan | 10,182 | 10,711 |
Hord | 3,490 | 3,416 |
Horgan | 3,666 | 4,202 |
Horn | 51,380 | 52,138 |
Hornback | 2,829 | 2,892 |
Hornbeck | 3,362 | 3,206 |
Hornberger | 3,259 | 3,368 |
Hornbuckle | 2,223 | 2,237 |
Horne | 36,288 | 37,689 |
Horner | 23,308 | 23,881 |
Hornick | 2,427 | 2,338 |
Horning | 6,733 | 7,322 |
Hornsby | 7,164 | 7,267 |
Hornung | 2,756 | 2,830 |
Horowitz | 9,379 | 9,671 |
Horrell | 2,161 | 2,441 |
Horrocks | 2,392 | 2,583 |
Horsley | 6,302 | 6,565 |
Horst | 8,208 | 9,245 |
Horstman | 3,399 | 3,664 |
Horta | 2,817 | 3,889 |
Horton | 83,523 | 85,195 |
Horvath | 15,538 | 15,302 |
Horwitz | 3,444 | 3,246 |
Hose | 2,527 | 2,276 |
Hosea | 1,770 | 2,008 |
Hosey | 3,675 | 3,735 |
Hosford | 2,093 | 2,210 |
Hosier | 2,839 | 3,104 |
Hoskin | 2,500 | 2,671 |
Hoskins | 23,358 | 24,581 |
Hoskinson | 2,771 | 2,948 |
Hosler | 2,300 | 2,233 |
Hosmer | 2,464 | 2,631 |
Hoss | 4,211 | 3,033 |
Hossain | 2,932 | 5,978 |
Hostetler | 11,659 | 14,505 |
Hostetter | 4,798 | 4,960 |
Hotaling | 2,546 | 2,528 |
Hotchkiss | 5,589 | 5,639 |
Hott | 2,816 | 3,172 |
Hou | 2,958 | 4,500 |
Houchin | 2,764 | 2,943 |
Houck | 12,458 | 12,634 |
Houde | 2,252 | 2,211 |
Hough | 15,090 | 15,549 |
Houghtaling | 2,431 | 2,444 |
Houghton | 11,019 | 11,184 |
Houk | 5,501 | 5,560 |
Houle | 7,698 | 8,364 |
Houlihan | 4,040 | 3,958 |
House | 40,477 | 41,000 |
Householder | 4,024 | 4,067 |
Houseman | 3,127 | 3,091 |
Houser | 20,078 | 20,484 |
Housley | 3,628 | 3,960 |
Houston | 54,026 | 56,900 |
Houtz | 2,147 | 2,171 |
From Hove to Hulse
Howard is the most common name in this section.
The name has several origins from different influences. One source is from the Old Norse words for a guard or defender.
The Normans also brought the name into England. The meaning came from the Old French for a hardy person.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Hove | 1,718 | 2,041 |
Hover | 2,687 | 2,548 |
Hovey | 4,951 | 4,927 |
Hovis | 3,675 | 3,462 |
Howard | 254,779 | 264,826 |
Howarth | 4,182 | 4,269 |
Howe | 40,555 | 42,265 |
Howell | 109,634 | 112,041 |
Howells | 2,848 | 2,961 |
Hower | 3,064 | 3,039 |
Howerton | 6,486 | 6,516 |
Howes | 6,652 | 6,828 |
Howey | 2,328 | 2,480 |
Howie | 4,510 | 4,676 |
Howington | 2,285 | 2,303 |
Howland | 8,661 | 8,675 |
Howlett | 5,139 | 5,364 |
Howley | 2,601 | 2,688 |
Howse | 1,937 | 2,077 |
Howze | 3,075 | 3,263 |
Hoy | 9,522 | 9,196 |
Hoye | 2,100 | 2,103 |
Hoyer | 3,581 | 3,589 |
Hoyle | 9,455 | 9,192 |
Hoyos | 2,930 | 3,694 |
Hoyt | 20,707 | 21,169 |
Hsiao | 2,208 | 2,666 |
Hsieh | 5,494 | 6,382 |
Hsu | 14,838 | 16,907 |
Hu | 12,056 | 19,999 |
Hua | 5,280 | 6,939 |
Huang | 44,715 | 72,328 |
Hubbard | 68,021 | 70,362 |
Hubbell | 6,011 | 5,977 |
Hubbert | 2,134 | 2,296 |
Hubble | 3,366 | 3,639 |
Hubbs | 3,765 | 3,873 |
Huber | 36,729 | 37,170 |
Hubert | 9,967 | 10,380 |
Hubler | 2,924 | 3,113 |
Huck | 4,596 | 4,421 |
Huckabee | 3,101 | 3,197 |
Huckaby | 4,445 | 4,723 |
Hucks | 2,045 | 2,076 |
Hudak | 5,618 | 5,593 |
Huddleston | 16,872 | 17,231 |
Hudgens | 4,582 | 4,609 |
Hudgins | 11,569 | 11,755 |
Hudnall | 3,744 | 3,839 |
Hudson | 130,793 | 134,963 |
Hudspeth | 4,595 | 4,651 |
Huebner | 6,717 | 6,635 |
Huerta | 33,348 | 47,455 |
Huertas | 3,209 | 4,235 |
Huey | 9,881 | 9,800 |
Huezo | 1,586 | 2,326 |
Huff | 53,892 | 55,484 |
Huffaker | 2,436 | 2,604 |
Huffer | 2,603 | 2,578 |
Huffman | 49,737 | 50,786 |
Hufford | 3,803 | 3,793 |
Huffstetler | 2,149 | 2,359 |
Hug | 2,199 | 2,089 |
Huggins | 21,499 | 22,371 |
Hughes | 229,390 | 236,271 |
Hughey | 6,901 | 6,830 |
Hughley | 2,565 | 3,035 |
Hugo | 2,922 | 3,020 |
Huh | 1,867 | 2,429 |
Huhn | 3,600 | 2,935 |
Hui | 5,282 | 5,769 |
Huie | 2,792 | 2,701 |
Huizar | 4,693 | 5,774 |
Huizenga | 1,949 | 2,153 |
Hulbert | 5,010 | 5,214 |
Hulett | 4,450 | 4,652 |
Huling | 2,032 | 2,173 |
Hull | 41,656 | 43,018 |
Hulme | 2,005 | 2,068 |
Hulse | 6,373 | 6,776 |
From Hulsey to Hyun
Hunter is the most common name in this section. Hunt is just behind it in census numbers.
The name refers to a huntsman.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Hulsey | 9,152 | 9,317 |
Humbert | 4,003 | 4,321 |
Humble | 4,393 | 4,588 |
Hume | 6,724 | 6,573 |
Humes | 5,839 | 6,093 |
Hummel | 14,878 | 14,715 |
Hummer | 3,510 | 3,203 |
Humphrey | 47,470 | 49,056 |
Humphreys | 13,548 | 13,895 |
Humphries | 17,785 | 18,201 |
Hundley | 8,382 | 8,532 |
Huneycutt | 2,054 | 2,185 |
Hung | 6,173 | 7,137 |
Hungerford | 3,324 | 3,294 |
Hunley | 4,478 | 4,556 |
Hunnicutt | 4,729 | 4,690 |
Hunsaker | 4,527 | 5,114 |
Hunsberger | 2,829 | 2,842 |
Hunsicker | 2,367 | 2,477 |
Hunsinger | 2,968 | 3,158 |
Hunsucker | 2,507 | 2,532 |
Hunt | 151,986 | 158,421 |
Hunter | 154,410 | 162,440 |
Huntington | 6,991 | 7,306 |
Huntley | 12,175 | 12,614 |
Huntsman | 3,953 | 4,187 |
Hupp | 4,822 | 4,871 |
Hur | 1,616 | 2,199 |
Hurd | 19,856 | 20,540 |
Hurdle | 2,377 | 2,497 |
Hurlburt | 3,836 | 3,836 |
Hurlbut | 2,255 | 2,208 |
Hurley | 38,971 | 39,796 |
Hurst | 44,587 | 46,244 |
Hurt | 20,753 | 21,037 |
Hurtado | 22,247 | 30,286 |
Hurtt | 1,893 | 2,169 |
Hurwitz | 3,011 | 2,935 |
Husain | 2,108 | 2,562 |
Husband | 3,429 | 3,480 |
Huse | 2,111 | 2,062 |
Huskey | 6,821 | 7,080 |
Huss | 6,286 | 6,346 |
Hussain | 11,070 | 16,909 |
Hussein | 3,159 | 7,182 |
Hussey | 9,106 | 9,176 |
Husted | 4,280 | 4,268 |
Huston | 16,364 | 16,435 |
Hutchens | 7,901 | 7,954 |
Hutcherson | 6,336 | 6,795 |
Hutcheson | 8,174 | 8,321 |
Hutchings | 8,182 | 8,833 |
Hutchins | 25,633 | 26,251 |
Hutchinson | 47,809 | 48,781 |
Hutchison | 23,391 | 24,820 |
Huth | 4,138 | 4,013 |
Hutsell | 2,044 | 2,331 |
Hutson | 15,430 | 15,835 |
Hutt | 3,421 | 3,189 |
Hutter | 2,900 | 2,855 |
Hutto | 8,277 | 8,403 |
Hutton | 17,961 | 18,479 |
Huynh | 40,011 | 54,996 |
Hwang | 13,610 | 17,900 |
Hyatt | 18,396 | 19,280 |
Hyde | 28,604 | 29,094 |
Hyden | 2,628 | 2,722 |
Hyder | 4,669 | 4,971 |
Hyer | 2,634 | 2,929 |
Hyland | 7,850 | 7,862 |
Hylton | 7,765 | 8,440 |
Hyman | 11,354 | 11,436 |
Hymel | 2,017 | 2,019 |
Hymes | 2,112 | 2,177 |
Hynes | 7,807 | 8,104 |
Hyun | 1,796 | 2,262 |
The census data comes from the U.S. Census Bureau who provide public files for download:
The origins and meaning of the names in this article come from several sources, including: