Are you looking for a comprehensive list of last names beginning with “T”?
We’ve used the 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census to compile 825 surnames that start with the letter T and have at least one thousand bearers of the name.
In the table below, you’ll see the total number of bearers for the name in each census.
Wait – I Know A Surname That Isn’t On This List!
If you don’t find a name that you’re interested in, then it likely didn’t have 1,000 people of that name recorded in both U.S. censuses.
Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. We have a separate article on checking whether a last name is rare or common.
We also have an easy-to-use tool that shows you where your surname ranks in the United States. It has a much lower threshold of one hundred bearers.
Meanings Of Popular Last Names Starting With T
Here are the top fourteen most common last names beginning with T in the 2010 U.S. census.
They are in descending order of how common they are.
Surname | Bearers | Origins | Meaning |
Thomas | 756,142 | Aramaic | “Twin”; people also took the name from the Apostle |
Taylor | 751,209 | English | “Tailor”, person who makes or mends clothes |
Thompson | 664,644 | English | Son of Thomas (explained above) |
Torres | 437,813 | Hispanic | * |
Turner | 348,627 | English | Person who works with a lathe |
Tran | 188,498 | Vietnamese | “Old” |
Tucker | 167,446 | English | Person who makes clothes (beating them) |
Terry | 87,000 | English | From the French name “Thierri” meaning powerful |
Thornton | 83,967 | English, Scottish | Common placename, residents took the name |
Trujillo | 73,664 | Hispanic | * |
Todd | 71,759 | English | “Fox”; person with red hair |
Tate | 71,058 | English | Meaning is unclear |
Townsend | 69,360 | English | Person who lives at the end of the town |
Tyler | 66,056 | English | “Tiler”; person who lays tiles |
To get more details about the asterisked Hispanic names, check our companion article that covers Hispanic surnames starting with T.
Famous People With T Surnames
Here is an assorted collection of ten famous people with a family name starting with T.
Famous Person | Occupation | Best Known For |
Harry Truman | U.S. President | End of WW2, The Marshall Plan |
Pyotr Tchaikovsky | Russian composer | Swan Lake, The Nutcracker |
John Travolta | American actor | Grease, Pulp Fiction |
Titus | Roman emperor | Ruler when Pompeii was destroyed |
Jethro Tull | English industrialist | Invented the seed drill |
Mark Twain | American novelist | Huckleberry Finn |
Leo Tolstoy | Russian writer | War and Peace |
JRR Tolkien | English writer | Lord Of The Rings |
Tutankhamun | Egyptian pharoah | Tomb |
Margaret Thatcher | British Prime Minster | Privatisation |
Last Names Starting With T
Let’s start with looking at names from Ta to Takeda.
The most common American name in this section is Tackett, which had nearly twenty thousand bearers in the 2010 U.S. census.
This is a Scottish name with several different theories for its origin. Some say that it’s a variant of McTaggert, which means “son of the priest”.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Ta | 5,829 | 8,017 |
Tabares | 2,401 | 3,155 |
Tabb | 4,215 | 4,312 |
Taber | 7,467 | 7,788 |
Tabler | 1,725 | 1,770 |
Taboada | 1,374 | 2,074 |
Tabor | 15,058 | 15,445 |
Tabron | 1,230 | 1,452 |
Tack | 1,497 | 1,668 |
Tacker | 1,504 | 1,765 |
Tackett | 18,332 | 19,737 |
Taddeo | 1,297 | 1,385 |
Tadeo | 1,522 | 2,610 |
Tadlock | 3,433 | 3,523 |
Tadros | 1,101 | 1,496 |
Taff | 1,977 | 1,987 |
Tafolla | 2,542 | 3,584 |
Tafoya | 9,014 | 10,114 |
Taft | 8,589 | 9,048 |
Taggart | 9,209 | 9,808 |
Tagle | 1,504 | 1,849 |
Tague | 3,016 | 3,459 |
Taha | 1,223 | 2,014 |
Tahir | 1,091 | 1,984 |
Tai | 3,732 | 4,401 |
Taing | 1,718 | 2,350 |
Tait | 6,037 | 6,271 |
Takacs | 3,233 | 3,135 |
Takahashi | 4,913 | 4,928 |
Takeda | 1,121 | 1,213 |
Names from Takemoto to Tanaka
Tan is the most common name in this section with over thirty-two thousand American bearers in 2010.
This name is Chinese in origin. One theory holds that the first bearers were descendants of the ruler of the state of Tan during the Zhou Dynasty.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Takemoto | 1,037 | 1,004 |
Takeuchi | 1,414 | 1,362 |
Talamantes | 3,901 | 5,047 |
Talamantez | 1,626 | 1,948 |
Talarico | 2,841 | 2,691 |
Talavera | 5,615 | 7,777 |
Talbert | 11,370 | 12,181 |
Talbot | 15,027 | 15,562 |
Talbott | 7,092 | 7,386 |
Talcott | 1,532 | 1,269 |
Taliaferro | 3,725 | 3,959 |
Talkington | 2,429 | 2,566 |
Tall | 1,542 | 1,920 |
Tallant | 1,973 | 2,051 |
Tallent | 4,979 | 5,191 |
Talley | 29,082 | 30,014 |
Tallman | 7,439 | 8,174 |
Tallon | 1,671 | 1,344 |
Tally | 2,239 | 2,435 |
Talmadge | 2,273 | 2,262 |
Talmage | 1,106 | 1,096 |
Talton | 2,890 | 3,519 |
Tam | 12,150 | 13,327 |
Tamayo | 12,130 | 16,474 |
Tamez | 6,423 | 7,894 |
Tammaro | 1,142 | 1,187 |
Tamura | 1,951 | 2,040 |
Tan | 21,567 | 32,120 |
Tanabe | 1,141 | 1,155 |
Tanaka | 7,887 | 7,994 |
From Tancredi to Tarbox
Tapper is the most common name in this section with over fifty thousand bearers in the 2010 census.
The English origins come from the context of wine or beer making. Tapping means opening the tap of a bottle or barrel.
The name was conferred on wine sellers or publicans.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Tancredi | 1,125 | 1,148 |
Tandy | 2,098 | 2,208 |
Tang | 25,446 | 34,961 |
Tangen | 1,278 | 1,346 |
Tanguay | 2,357 | 2,409 |
Tanguma | 1,029 | 1,186 |
Taniguchi | 1,316 | 1,289 |
Tanis | 2,215 | 2,359 |
Tank | 2,107 | 2,127 |
Tankersley | 5,918 | 5,990 |
Tanksley | 3,113 | 3,325 |
Tann | 1,382 | 1,612 |
Tannehill | 2,073 | 2,106 |
Tannenbaum | 2,051 | 2,080 |
Tanner | 46,412 | 48,813 |
Tansey | 1,861 | 1,981 |
Tant | 2,130 | 2,355 |
Tao | 2,964 | 4,286 |
Taormina | 2,220 | 2,250 |
Tapia | 37,201 | 52,651 |
Tapley | 3,212 | 3,264 |
Taplin | 2,004 | 2,165 |
Tapp | 6,032 | 6,186 |
Tappan | 1,347 | 1,373 |
Tapper | 2,121 | 2,366 |
Tapscott | 1,509 | 1,532 |
Tarango | 4,324 | 5,360 |
Tarantino | 3,961 | 4,158 |
Taranto | 1,884 | 2,025 |
Tarbell | 1,516 | 1,626 |
Tarbox | 2,038 | 2,055 |
From Tardiff to Tatum
Tate is the most common name in this section with over seventy-one thousand American bearers in 2010.
This name is English in origin. There is little consensus about the meaning. So, let’s look at another name on the list!
Tarrant is also an English name. The origins are geographic and refer to a river of the name in Dorset.
The early bearers of the name came from that region.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Tardif | 1,825 | 1,923 |
Tardiff | 2,093 | 2,079 |
Tardy | 1,499 | 1,823 |
Tarin | 3,138 | 4,524 |
Tarkington | 1,551 | 1,809 |
Tarleton | 1,537 | 1,614 |
Tarlton | 2,030 | 2,040 |
Tarnowski | 1,555 | 1,625 |
Tarpley | 3,617 | 3,680 |
Tarr | 6,941 | 7,021 |
Tarrant | 4,140 | 4,425 |
Tart | 3,274 | 3,417 |
Tartaglia | 2,190 | 2,214 |
Tarter | 3,229 | 3,507 |
Tarver | 8,935 | 9,341 |
Tarvin | 2,078 | 2,205 |
Tarwater | 1,250 | 1,282 |
Tash | 1,226 | 1,265 |
Tashjian | 1,001 | 1,045 |
Tasker | 3,049 | 3,553 |
Tassin | 1,546 | 1,593 |
Tassone | 1,612 | 1,924 |
Tat | 1,241 | 1,593 |
Tate | 67,208 | 71,058 |
Tatem | 1,059 | 1,035 |
Tatman | 2,556 | 2,864 |
Tatom | 1,254 | 1,228 |
Tatro | 4,942 | 5,102 |
Tatum | 23,300 | 24,558 |
Taub to Teel
Taylor is a very common name with over 750 thousand appearances in the 2010 census.
The name is English and has a rather obvious meaning. It was conferred on people who made and mended clothes i.e. tailors.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Taub | 2,431 | 2,705 |
Taube | 1,514 | 1,460 |
Tauber | 2,176 | 2,708 |
Taulbee | 2,919 | 3,068 |
Taunton | 1,316 | 1,405 |
Tavares | 10,583 | 12,766 |
Tavarez | 6,690 | 10,201 |
Tavera | 2,325 | 3,441 |
Taveras | 6,559 | 9,580 |
Tawil | 1,114 | 1,366 |
Tawney | 1,634 | 1,649 |
Tay | 1,410 | 1,736 |
Taylor | 720,370 | 751,209 |
Teachout | 1,295 | 1,308 |
Teague | 23,731 | 24,514 |
Teal | 8,716 | 8,937 |
Teasdale | 1,227 | 1,339 |
Teasley | 4,032 | 4,400 |
Tebbe | 1,270 | 1,308 |
Tebo | 1,644 | 1,670 |
Tedder | 5,191 | 5,500 |
Tedeschi | 2,262 | 2,321 |
Tedesco | 6,114 | 6,133 |
Tedford | 3,270 | 3,354 |
Tedrick | 1,193 | 1,385 |
Tedrow | 2,041 | 2,162 |
Tee | 1,381 | 1,557 |
Teed | 1,686 | 1,755 |
Teegarden | 1,980 | 2,215 |
Teel | 7,618 | 7,814 |
Teems to Tennenbaum
Temple is the most common name in this section.
This has an interesting history dating to the early twelfth century and the founding of the Knights Templar. This order of crusaders established temples in various places.
The name was adopted by people who resided near these residences.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Teems | 1,124 | 1,149 |
Teeple | 1,810 | 1,840 |
Teer | 1,804 | 1,889 |
Teeter | 5,650 | 5,892 |
Teeters | 2,820 | 2,985 |
Teets | 2,950 | 3,089 |
Tefft | 2,053 | 2,062 |
Tehrani | 1,060 | 1,266 |
Teitelbaum | 2,339 | 2,887 |
Teixeira | 7,303 | 8,895 |
Tejada | 9,700 | 14,903 |
Tejeda | 10,071 | 14,240 |
Telfer | 1,387 | 1,600 |
Telford | 3,110 | 3,280 |
Tell | 1,662 | 1,536 |
Teller | 3,429 | 3,814 |
Telles | 4,523 | 5,230 |
Tellez | 15,320 | 22,494 |
Tellier | 1,642 | 1,843 |
Tellis | 1,464 | 1,789 |
Tello | 7,707 | 11,512 |
Tempel | 1,028 | 1,056 |
Temple | 21,771 | 22,549 |
Templeman | 1,483 | 1,682 |
Temples | 1,444 | 1,751 |
Templet | 1,349 | 1,313 |
Templeton | 13,299 | 13,396 |
Templin | 4,025 | 4,129 |
Tena | 2,387 | 3,279 |
Tenenbaum | 1,163 | 1,212 |
From Teneyck to Teske
Terry is the most common name in this section.
It derives from the Old French name Thierri and was brought to England with the Norman Conquest.
The meaning derives from words for “powerful” and “people”. It could have been adopted by a dominant family in a region.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Teneyck | 1,864 | 1,908 |
Teng | 2,657 | 3,433 |
Tennant | 8,304 | 8,693 |
Tenney | 6,957 | 7,238 |
Tennis | 1,574 | 1,574 |
Tennison | 3,028 | 3,169 |
Tennyson | 4,008 | 4,110 |
Tenorio | 6,301 | 8,629 |
Tepe | 1,037 | 1,083 |
Tepper | 3,012 | 3,416 |
Teran | 5,869 | 8,557 |
Tercero | 1,435 | 2,403 |
Terhaar | 1,101 | 1,175 |
Terhune | 2,778 | 2,766 |
Termini | 1,053 | 1,012 |
Ternes | 1,336 | 1,413 |
Terpening | 1,272 | 1,202 |
Terpstra | 2,319 | 2,514 |
Terra | 1,041 | 1,124 |
Terranova | 3,251 | 3,271 |
Terrazas | 8,044 | 10,569 |
Terrell | 33,914 | 35,408 |
Terrill | 5,549 | 5,641 |
Terrio | 1,133 | 1,225 |
Terrones | 3,070 | 4,448 |
Terry | 83,437 | 87,000 |
Terwilliger | 4,064 | 4,153 |
Tesch | 3,522 | 4,166 |
Teske | 2,896 | 2,975 |
Tessier to Theus
Thao is the most common name in this section.
The name is of Vietnamese origin. The meaning refers to people who respect their parents.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Tessier | 4,107 | 4,394 |
Tessmer | 1,531 | 1,455 |
Test | 1,037 | 1,121 |
Testa | 8,123 | 8,694 |
Tester | 4,154 | 4,334 |
Testerman | 3,004 | 3,187 |
Teston | 1,070 | 1,202 |
Teter | 3,676 | 4,050 |
Teti | 1,177 | 1,192 |
Tetrault | 1,665 | 1,744 |
Tetreault | 3,869 | 4,128 |
Tetzlaff | 1,619 | 1,620 |
Teves | 1,300 | 1,511 |
Tevis | 1,526 | 1,479 |
Tew | 5,053 | 5,247 |
Tewell | 1,122 | 1,141 |
Tewksbury | 1,212 | 1,224 |
Tews | 1,591 | 1,600 |
Texeira | 1,277 | 1,452 |
Thach | 4,657 | 6,229 |
Thacker | 20,531 | 21,512 |
Thackston | 1,000 | 1,000 |
Thai | 8,440 | 11,644 |
Thakkar | 1,760 | 3,157 |
Thaler | 2,063 | 2,237 |
Tham | 1,111 | 1,355 |
Thames | 7,052 | 7,619 |
Than | 1,429 | 1,983 |
Thao | 15,463 | 23,404 |
Tharp | 13,578 | 13,757 |
Tharpe | 4,187 | 4,486 |
Thatcher | 9,240 | 9,752 |
Thaxton | 4,510 | 4,711 |
Thayer | 16,496 | 16,625 |
Thedford | 1,245 | 1,360 |
Thein | 1,120 | 1,462 |
Theis | 6,204 | 6,425 |
Theisen | 5,300 | 5,707 |
Theiss | 2,595 | 2,619 |
Thelen | 5,089 | 5,657 |
Then | 1,603 | 2,108 |
Theobald | 4,172 | 4,300 |
Theodore | 4,014 | 4,601 |
Theriault | 5,671 | 5,855 |
Theriot | 5,959 | 6,424 |
Theroux | 1,668 | 1,559 |
Therrien | 4,890 | 4,900 |
Thetford | 1,255 | 1,304 |
Theurer | 1,007 | 1,076 |
Theus | 1,564 | 1,669 |
From Thibalt to Thor
Thomas is by far the most common name in this section and tops 750 thousand people in the 2010 census.
The name comes from Medieval times and is found in Europe and southern India. The original meaning (in Aramaic) was “twin”.
Thompson is also a a popular name and is of English origin. It means “son of Thom”. But what about Thom?
Well, Thom was a pet form of Thomas! So these two names are very related.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Thibault | 5,739 | 5,870 |
Thibeault | 3,272 | 3,417 |
Thibodaux | 1,729 | 1,856 |
Thibodeau | 7,746 | 7,904 |
Thibodeaux | 13,199 | 13,850 |
Thiede | 1,811 | 1,779 |
Thiel | 9,432 | 9,880 |
Thiele | 4,447 | 4,478 |
Thielen | 2,671 | 2,867 |
Thiem | 1,061 | 1,063 |
Thieman | 1,270 | 1,175 |
Thieme | 1,853 | 1,866 |
Thierry | 1,360 | 1,506 |
Thies | 4,174 | 4,240 |
Thiessen | 3,127 | 3,519 |
Thigpen | 9,068 | 9,359 |
Thill | 2,730 | 3,055 |
Thiry | 1,077 | 1,140 |
Thode | 1,019 | 1,020 |
Thole | 1,462 | 1,608 |
Thom | 5,257 | 5,531 |
Thoma | 4,080 | 4,068 |
Thoman | 2,527 | 2,810 |
Thomas | 710,696 | 756,142 |
Thomason | 19,549 | 20,478 |
Thomasson | 4,606 | 4,844 |
Thome | 2,928 | 3,163 |
Thompkins | 5,274 | 5,732 |
Thompson | 644,368 | 664,644 |
Thoms | 3,002 | 3,162 |
Thomsen | 7,624 | 7,654 |
Thomson | 24,174 | 24,750 |
Thon | 1,044 | 1,066 |
Thong | 1,156 | 1,378 |
Thor | 2,225 | 2,823 |
Thoreson | 2,362 | 2,397 |
Thorn | 9,776 | 9,988 |
Thornberry | 2,220 | 2,219 |
Thornburg | 7,156 | 7,309 |
Thornburgh | 1,131 | 1,191 |
Thorne | 18,222 | 18,738 |
Thornell | 1,098 | 1,042 |
Thornhill | 7,115 | 7,327 |
Thornley | 1,604 | 1,725 |
Thornsberry | 1,970 | 1,953 |
Thornton | 81,191 | 83,967 |
Thorp | 6,194 | 6,067 |
Thorpe | 20,960 | 21,813 |
Thorsen | 3,065 | 3,121 |
Thorson | 6,643 | 6,752 |
From Thraikill to Tijerina
Thurman is the most common name in this section.
If you scrolled through the previous section, you would have seen the names of Thor and Thorson (which of course is “son of Thor).
Thurman has related origins from Old Norse, with the “Thur” referring to the God of Thunder (Thor). The second syllable translates to the word for “protection”.
So, the entire name refers to the God of Thunder providing protection.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Thrailkill | 1,174 | 1,151 |
Thrall | 1,662 | 1,693 |
Thrash | 4,609 | 4,701 |
Thrasher | 12,535 | 12,836 |
Threadgill | 2,788 | 2,930 |
Threatt | 3,321 | 3,545 |
Threet | 1,702 | 1,773 |
Threlkeld | 2,273 | 2,237 |
Thrift | 3,354 | 3,313 |
Throckmorton | 3,151 | 3,238 |
Throne | 1,011 | 1,053 |
Throop | 1,367 | 1,375 |
Thrower | 4,801 | 4,938 |
Thrush | 2,143 | 2,196 |
Thurber | 4,089 | 4,232 |
Thurlow | 2,316 | 2,354 |
Thurman | 22,564 | 23,950 |
Thurmond | 5,752 | 5,922 |
Thurston | 14,918 | 15,234 |
Thweatt | 1,380 | 1,362 |
Tian | 1,645 | 3,547 |
Tibbetts | 6,373 | 6,538 |
Tibbits | 1,537 | 1,643 |
Tibbitts | 1,763 | 1,857 |
Tibbs | 6,908 | 7,294 |
Tice | 9,873 | 10,118 |
Tichenor | 2,474 | 2,488 |
Tichy | 1,136 | 1,153 |
Tickle | 1,659 | 1,919 |
Tidd | 2,267 | 2,317 |
Tidmore | 1,847 | 1,837 |
Tidwell | 20,681 | 21,176 |
Tiede | 1,346 | 1,421 |
Tiedeman | 1,248 | 1,285 |
Tiedemann | 1,677 | 1,764 |
Tieman | 1,796 | 1,751 |
Tiemann | 1,678 | 1,814 |
Tien | 1,914 | 2,125 |
Tiernan | 2,392 | 2,552 |
Tierney | 13,262 | 13,608 |
Tietjen | 1,603 | 1,648 |
Tietz | 2,409 | 2,392 |
Tieu | 1,786 | 2,275 |
Tiffany | 4,840 | 4,871 |
Tiger | 2,240 | 2,428 |
Tighe | 4,865 | 4,942 |
Tigner | 1,982 | 2,138 |
Tignor | 1,495 | 1,489 |
Tijerina | 7,530 | 8,626 |
From Tilden to Tipton
Tillman is the most common name in this section.
This name has English origins. The meaning derives from the Middle English word for someone who tills the land.
It would have been adopted by both farmers and farm laborers.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Tilden | 1,815 | 1,838 |
Tilford | 1,657 | 1,690 |
Tilghman | 2,675 | 2,810 |
Till | 4,168 | 4,299 |
Tiller | 7,299 | 7,954 |
Tillery | 7,666 | 8,156 |
Tillett | 2,825 | 3,147 |
Tilley | 15,560 | 15,758 |
Tillinghast | 1,170 | 1,225 |
Tillis | 2,971 | 3,211 |
Tillman | 28,878 | 30,825 |
Tillotson | 4,087 | 4,149 |
Tillson | 1,073 | 1,235 |
Tilly | 1,166 | 1,315 |
Tilman | 1,005 | 1,125 |
Tilson | 3,048 | 3,186 |
Tilton | 7,997 | 8,124 |
Timberlake | 4,266 | 4,380 |
Timko | 2,649 | 2,537 |
Timm | 9,241 | 9,433 |
Timmer | 2,730 | 3,054 |
Timmerman | 7,252 | 7,569 |
Timmins | 2,250 | 2,519 |
Timmons | 19,900 | 20,671 |
Timms | 4,197 | 4,353 |
Timothy | 2,439 | 2,821 |
Timpson | 1,114 | 1,316 |
Tims | 3,377 | 3,561 |
Tinajero | 3,195 | 4,940 |
Tinch | 1,504 | 1,763 |
Tincher | 3,221 | 3,563 |
Tindal | 1,983 | 2,187 |
Tindall | 6,450 | 6,802 |
Tindell | 2,367 | 2,699 |
Tindle | 2,100 | 2,205 |
Tineo | 1,832 | 2,792 |
Tiner | 2,081 | 2,143 |
Ting | 3,050 | 3,103 |
Tingey | 1,060 | 1,164 |
Tingle | 4,522 | 4,712 |
Tingler | 1,341 | 1,355 |
Tingley | 3,226 | 3,327 |
Tinker | 5,898 | 6,291 |
Tinkham | 1,724 | 1,741 |
Tinkle | 1,048 | 1,174 |
Tinney | 3,576 | 3,884 |
Tinnin | 1,539 | 1,765 |
Tinoco | 6,379 | 9,707 |
Tinsley | 14,834 | 15,442 |
Tippett | 4,023 | 4,344 |
Tippins | 1,362 | 1,768 |
Tippit | 1,313 | 1,550 |
Tipps | 1,506 | 1,697 |
Tipton | 24,767 | 25,064 |
From Tirado to Tolson
Todd had over seventy thousand American bearers in 2010.
This name is of English origin. It derives from the Middle English word “Tod”, which means a fox.
The name would have been adopted by people with red hair. It may also have been conferred on people who were deemed to be clever in a cunning way.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Tirado | 10,396 | 13,410 |
Tirrell | 1,443 | 1,542 |
Tiscareno | 1,449 | 1,994 |
Tischer | 1,184 | 1,158 |
Tischler | 1,712 | 1,806 |
Tisdale | 9,734 | 10,293 |
Tison | 1,352 | 1,351 |
Tito | 1,011 | 1,326 |
Titsworth | 1,392 | 1,407 |
Tittle | 4,370 | 4,343 |
Titus | 15,321 | 15,780 |
Tjaden | 1,099 | 1,146 |
Tkach | 1,090 | 1,255 |
To | 6,979 | 8,934 |
Toal | 1,313 | 1,371 |
Tobar | 4,933 | 7,056 |
Tober | 1,479 | 1,604 |
Tobey | 3,582 | 3,756 |
Tobias | 13,113 | 14,482 |
Tobin | 18,135 | 18,932 |
Tobler | 2,036 | 2,497 |
Tobon | 1,514 | 1,964 |
Toby | 1,376 | 1,548 |
Tocci | 1,542 | 1,475 |
Tocco | 2,131 | 2,234 |
Todaro | 2,868 | 2,911 |
Todd | 69,810 | 71,759 |
Toepfer | 1,240 | 1,256 |
Toews | 1,364 | 1,456 |
Toft | 1,411 | 1,344 |
Tokar | 1,360 | 1,332 |
Tokarz | 1,392 | 1,392 |
Tolan | 1,740 | 1,948 |
Toland | 4,806 | 4,952 |
Tolar | 2,117 | 2,279 |
Tolbert | 22,720 | 24,375 |
Toledo | 14,514 | 19,474 |
Tolentino | 7,679 | 11,371 |
Toler | 9,091 | 9,427 |
Toles | 2,850 | 3,110 |
Toliver | 6,833 | 7,536 |
Toll | 2,168 | 2,276 |
Tolle | 3,302 | 3,564 |
Tollefson | 3,900 | 3,967 |
Tolleson | 1,862 | 1,907 |
Tollett | 1,558 | 1,602 |
Tolley | 5,622 | 5,726 |
Tollison | 2,127 | 2,319 |
Tolliver | 11,208 | 12,128 |
Tolman | 3,799 | 4,480 |
Tolson | 5,295 | 5,630 |
From Tom to Topping
Tomlinson is the most common name in this section. The basic mean is “son of Tomlin”, and Tomlin also appears in this section – but with fewer bearers.
The name is a variant or nickname for Thomas, which we described in a previous section.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Tom | 9,629 | 10,350 |
Toma | 3,229 | 4,399 |
Toman | 2,666 | 2,857 |
Tomas | 4,894 | 7,673 |
Tomaselli | 1,224 | 1,006 |
Tomasello | 2,380 | 2,529 |
Tomaszewski | 3,677 | 3,579 |
Tomberlin | 1,669 | 1,752 |
Tomblin | 2,464 | 2,769 |
Tomczak | 2,550 | 2,566 |
Tomczyk | 1,242 | 1,312 |
Tome | 1,713 | 2,007 |
Tomei | 1,079 | 1,045 |
Tomes | 2,948 | 3,073 |
Tomich | 1,205 | 1,203 |
Tomita | 1,277 | 1,269 |
Tomkins | 1,129 | 1,260 |
Tomko | 2,662 | 2,710 |
Tomlin | 11,397 | 11,797 |
Tomlinson | 24,110 | 25,274 |
Tompkins | 23,468 | 24,056 |
Tompson | 1,448 | 1,256 |
Toms | 4,779 | 4,986 |
Ton | 3,696 | 4,667 |
Tone | 1,271 | 1,300 |
Toner | 4,766 | 5,065 |
Toney | 17,481 | 18,787 |
Tong | 10,809 | 13,196 |
Tonkin | 1,860 | 1,900 |
Tonn | 1,629 | 1,629 |
Tony | 1,093 | 1,166 |
Toohey | 2,394 | 2,618 |
Tooker | 1,702 | 1,869 |
Toole | 6,328 | 6,534 |
Tooley | 4,149 | 4,371 |
Toombs | 4,709 | 4,806 |
Toomer | 2,746 | 3,059 |
Toomey | 7,607 | 7,510 |
Toon | 2,535 | 2,636 |
Toone | 1,566 | 1,977 |
Toothman | 2,077 | 2,109 |
Tootle | 1,121 | 1,180 |
Tope | 1,528 | 1,550 |
Topel | 1,014 | 1,002 |
Topete | 3,336 | 4,473 |
Topham | 1,256 | 1,475 |
Topp | 2,580 | 2,572 |
Topper | 2,681 | 2,720 |
Topping | 3,275 | 3,423 |
From Torain to Townson
Torres is by far the most popular name in this section. We’ve explained it further in our companion article that covers Hispanic surnames beginning with T.
Let’s look at Townsend instead. This English name literally means someone who lived at the “town’s end”, or the edge of the town.
That’s too easy! What about Toth, which had nearly twenty thousand bearers in 2010?
Toth has Hungarian origins. It referred to people who came from Slovak or Slovenian regions.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Torain | 1,070 | 1,303 |
Torbert | 1,839 | 1,853 |
Torbett | 1,072 | 1,144 |
Torchia | 1,287 | 1,343 |
Torgerson | 4,545 | 4,923 |
Toribio | 3,154 | 4,679 |
Torkelson | 2,292 | 2,277 |
Tormey | 1,279 | 1,254 |
Toro | 8,576 | 10,650 |
Torok | 2,016 | 2,106 |
Torpey | 1,333 | 1,409 |
Torrance | 2,295 | 2,358 |
Torre | 4,276 | 4,527 |
Torrence | 6,160 | 6,419 |
Torres | 325,169 | 437,813 |
Torrey | 4,737 | 5,004 |
Torrez | 14,904 | 16,795 |
Tortora | 1,389 | 1,355 |
Toscano | 7,673 | 9,301 |
Tosh | 2,104 | 2,143 |
Tostado | 1,563 | 2,127 |
Toth | 19,918 | 19,606 |
Toto | 1,379 | 1,620 |
Totten | 6,600 | 6,828 |
Totty | 1,263 | 1,242 |
Touch | 1,101 | 1,384 |
Touchet | 2,223 | 2,389 |
Touchette | 1,343 | 1,496 |
Touchstone | 1,913 | 1,905 |
Touchton | 1,280 | 1,314 |
Toups | 2,972 | 3,008 |
Tourville | 1,535 | 1,565 |
Tousignant | 1,424 | 1,463 |
Toussaint | 5,686 | 7,441 |
Tovar | 23,743 | 32,760 |
Tow | 1,893 | 1,910 |
Towe | 2,799 | 2,877 |
Towell | 1,378 | 1,564 |
Tower | 4,392 | 4,486 |
Towers | 4,248 | 4,392 |
Towery | 3,283 | 3,400 |
Towle | 4,164 | 4,156 |
Towler | 2,376 | 2,542 |
Towles | 2,271 | 2,386 |
Town | 2,296 | 2,357 |
Towne | 6,581 | 6,666 |
Towner | 3,692 | 3,813 |
Townes | 4,633 | 5,067 |
Townley | 3,921 | 3,947 |
Towns | 7,278 | 7,760 |
Townsel | 1,293 | 1,412 |
Townsend | 66,853 | 69,360 |
Townsley | 2,643 | 2,753 |
Townson | 1,785 | 1,989 |
From Toy to Trejo
The most common name in this section is Tran, with over 188 thousand bearers in 2010.
The name is Vietnamese but is also related to the Chinese surname of Tren.
Both names mean “old” in the archaic languages of their origin. It was conferred on esteemed elderly men and adopted by their families.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Toy | 5,730 | 5,784 |
Toye | 1,144 | 1,140 |
Tozer | 1,213 | 1,188 |
Tozier | 1,036 | 1,018 |
Tozzi | 1,241 | 1,199 |
Tracey | 8,046 | 8,152 |
Tracy | 29,316 | 29,867 |
Trader | 3,183 | 3,525 |
Traeger | 1,132 | 1,123 |
Trafton | 1,420 | 1,467 |
Trager | 1,520 | 1,425 |
Trahan | 13,733 | 14,114 |
Trail | 3,637 | 4,101 |
Traina | 1,792 | 1,850 |
Trainer | 3,283 | 3,487 |
Trainor | 6,719 | 6,816 |
Tram | 1,032 | 1,190 |
Tramel | 1,954 | 2,212 |
Trammel | 2,790 | 3,152 |
Trammell | 12,098 | 12,582 |
Tran | 136,095 | 188,498 |
Trang | 1,898 | 2,236 |
Transue | 1,284 | 1,307 |
Trantham | 3,191 | 3,304 |
Trapani | 2,535 | 2,586 |
Trapp | 9,075 | 9,294 |
Trask | 5,878 | 6,162 |
Traub | 2,675 | 2,638 |
Traughber | 1,110 | 1,157 |
Trautman | 3,390 | 3,336 |
Traver | 3,688 | 3,774 |
Travers | 7,698 | 7,833 |
Travis | 33,339 | 34,985 |
Trawick | 3,123 | 3,215 |
Traxler | 3,067 | 3,141 |
Traylor | 12,627 | 13,341 |
Traynham | 1,171 | 1,304 |
Traynor | 3,541 | 3,628 |
Traywick | 1,323 | 1,418 |
Treacy | 1,443 | 1,619 |
Treadaway | 1,484 | 1,568 |
Treadway | 7,760 | 7,792 |
Treadwell | 5,583 | 5,851 |
Treanor | 1,534 | 1,572 |
Treat | 4,525 | 4,765 |
Tredway | 1,412 | 1,370 |
Treece | 4,036 | 4,144 |
Trego | 1,775 | 2,165 |
Treiber | 1,399 | 1,342 |
Trejo | 27,383 | 41,021 |
From Tremaine to Trogdon
Tripp is an interesting name in this section and had over twenty thousand bearers in 2010.
The English origins come from the Middle English word for both “to dance” and also “to stumble”. That’s not too different to how we use the word now.
If you’re wondering about the dancing – think “trip the light fantastic”.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Tremaine | 1,280 | 1,310 |
Tremblay | 7,802 | 7,996 |
Tremble | 1,289 | 1,241 |
Trembley | 1,103 | 1,134 |
Tremper | 1,099 | 1,232 |
Trenary | 1,093 | 1,092 |
Trent | 18,679 | 19,630 |
Trentham | 1,151 | 1,067 |
Trepanier | 1,756 | 1,757 |
Tressler | 3,126 | 3,521 |
Tretter | 1,043 | 1,056 |
Trevathan | 1,017 | 1,055 |
Trevino | 50,454 | 59,882 |
Trevizo | 2,869 | 3,754 |
Trew | 1,110 | 1,028 |
Trexler | 3,360 | 3,316 |
Triana | 2,812 | 4,012 |
Tribble | 6,105 | 6,220 |
Trice | 7,960 | 8,546 |
Triche | 1,001 | 1,046 |
Trickett | 1,027 | 1,061 |
Trickey | 1,176 | 1,172 |
Trieu | 2,613 | 3,451 |
Trigg | 3,512 | 3,642 |
Triggs | 2,537 | 2,687 |
Trigo | 1,181 | 1,259 |
Trigueros | 1,148 | 1,892 |
Trillo | 1,156 | 1,531 |
Trim | 2,051 | 2,258 |
Trimble | 15,576 | 16,306 |
Trimm | 1,784 | 2,044 |
Trimmer | 3,361 | 3,509 |
Tringali | 1,124 | 1,129 |
Trinh | 11,507 | 15,392 |
Trinidad | 9,228 | 13,474 |
Trinkle | 1,787 | 2,166 |
Triolo | 1,488 | 1,514 |
Triplett | 17,422 | 18,408 |
Tripodi | 1,356 | 1,369 |
Tripoli | 1,116 | 1,100 |
Tripp | 19,886 | 20,434 |
Trisler | 1,093 | 1,120 |
Tristan | 3,528 | 4,642 |
Tritt | 1,848 | 2,128 |
Trivedi | 2,444 | 3,671 |
Trivett | 1,917 | 2,070 |
Trivette | 1,994 | 2,090 |
Trobaugh | 1,148 | 1,176 |
Troche | 2,107 | 2,627 |
Trogdon | 1,537 | 1,606 |
From Troia to Truong
Truong is a common name in this section.
The name is Vietnamese in origin. It is related to the Chinese name Zhang or Chang.
The meaning is derived from the words for spreading a bow. It was bestowed on archers or the makers of bows.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Troia | 1,290 | 1,305 |
Troiano | 2,372 | 2,526 |
Trojan | 1,268 | 1,230 |
Trollinger | 1,189 | 1,728 |
Trombetta | 1,603 | 1,665 |
Trombley | 6,597 | 6,908 |
Trombly | 1,529 | 1,595 |
Troncoso | 2,181 | 2,943 |
Trosclair | 2,426 | 2,517 |
Trosper | 1,765 | 1,923 |
Trost | 3,625 | 3,948 |
Trostle | 1,006 | 1,035 |
Trotman | 2,673 | 3,212 |
Trott | 4,210 | 4,498 |
Trotta | 2,761 | 2,955 |
Trotter | 18,946 | 19,927 |
Trottier | 2,224 | 2,262 |
Troup | 3,608 | 3,657 |
Troupe | 2,853 | 2,999 |
Trousdale | 1,023 | 1,074 |
Trout | 12,569 | 12,758 |
Troutman | 11,210 | 11,519 |
Troutt | 1,959 | 2,214 |
Trovato | 1,561 | 1,582 |
Trowbridge | 6,876 | 7,095 |
Trowell | 1,075 | 1,262 |
Trower | 1,721 | 1,741 |
Troxel | 2,965 | 3,032 |
Troxell | 4,814 | 4,780 |
Troxler | 1,527 | 1,528 |
Troy | 7,940 | 8,109 |
Troyer | 13,091 | 16,981 |
Truax | 5,755 | 5,968 |
Trudeau | 5,463 | 5,697 |
Trudel | 1,241 | 1,344 |
Trudell | 2,861 | 3,071 |
True | 7,926 | 8,261 |
Trueblood | 3,278 | 3,371 |
Truelove | 2,925 | 3,114 |
Truesdale | 4,432 | 4,757 |
Truesdell | 2,777 | 2,786 |
Truett | 2,558 | 2,730 |
Truex | 1,708 | 1,751 |
Truitt | 9,257 | 9,557 |
Trujillo | 59,609 | 73,664 |
Trull | 3,426 | 3,565 |
Truman | 5,453 | 5,521 |
Trumble | 3,011 | 3,303 |
Trumbo | 1,597 | 1,629 |
Trumbull | 2,340 | 2,290 |
Trump | 3,640 | 3,886 |
Truong | 27,808 | 38,267 |
From Truscott to Turk
Tucker is by far the most common name in this section with over 167 thousand bearers in the 2010 census.
The name is of English origins. The meaning comes from the Middle English word for beating clothing material.
Tucking involved beating woollen material with a club or stamping upon it. The people who did it took the name of Tucker.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Truscott | 1,089 | 1,069 |
Truss | 2,124 | 2,297 |
Trussell | 3,918 | 4,143 |
Trusty | 3,837 | 4,163 |
Tryon | 4,427 | 4,638 |
Tsai | 9,332 | 10,968 |
Tsang | 5,943 | 6,860 |
Tsao | 2,259 | 2,508 |
Tschetter | 1,147 | 1,137 |
Tschida | 1,689 | 1,742 |
Tse | 5,429 | 6,227 |
Tseng | 4,352 | 4,994 |
Tso | 3,001 | 3,249 |
Tsosie | 4,849 | 5,255 |
Tsui | 2,725 | 3,168 |
Tu | 6,826 | 9,230 |
Tuazon | 1,195 | 1,556 |
Tubb | 1,328 | 1,384 |
Tubbs | 12,191 | 12,828 |
Tucci | 4,140 | 4,245 |
Tuck | 9,666 | 10,018 |
Tucker | 162,933 | 167,446 |
Tudor | 5,769 | 5,877 |
Tuell | 1,229 | 1,309 |
Tufano | 1,148 | 1,180 |
Tufts | 2,839 | 2,759 |
Tuggle | 6,475 | 6,589 |
Tuley | 1,201 | 1,011 |
Tull | 5,496 | 5,904 |
Tuller | 1,558 | 1,673 |
Tulley | 1,013 | 1,081 |
Tullis | 4,058 | 4,304 |
Tulloch | 1,710 | 2,090 |
Tullos | 2,908 | 2,940 |
Tully | 8,481 | 9,081 |
Tuma | 2,428 | 2,484 |
Tumlin | 1,156 | 1,179 |
Tune | 1,997 | 2,142 |
Tung | 3,892 | 4,411 |
Tunnell | 3,115 | 3,362 |
Tunney | 1,391 | 1,574 |
Tunstall | 3,602 | 3,859 |
Tuohy | 1,689 | 1,755 |
Tupper | 3,663 | 3,973 |
Turano | 1,424 | 1,446 |
Turbeville | 2,115 | 2,175 |
Turbyfill | 1,094 | 1,095 |
Turcios | 4,118 | 7,073 |
Turco | 2,322 | 2,380 |
Turcotte | 5,160 | 5,092 |
Turek | 3,814 | 4,241 |
Turgeon | 3,528 | 3,635 |
Turk | 10,021 | 10,354 |
From Turley to Tyus
Turner is by far the most popular name in this section with nearly 350 thousand bearers in 2010.
It is of English origins. The early holders were people who worked with a lathe.
Tyler is similar in that it is an occupational name of English origin. It refers to a roofer or someone who lays tiles on a floor.
Last Name | 2000 Census | 2010 Census |
Turley | 10,102 | 10,524 |
Turlington | 1,403 | 1,592 |
Turman | 4,935 | 5,155 |
Turnage | 5,567 | 5,831 |
Turnbaugh | 1,135 | 1,148 |
Turnbough | 1,220 | 1,215 |
Turnbow | 2,847 | 2,955 |
Turnbull | 8,067 | 8,320 |
Turner | 335,663 | 348,627 |
Turney | 7,263 | 6,803 |
Turnipseed | 2,393 | 2,435 |
Turnquist | 1,799 | 1,849 |
Turpen | 1,734 | 1,753 |
Turpin | 11,475 | 11,937 |
Turrentine | 1,536 | 1,630 |
Tusing | 1,099 | 1,198 |
Tussey | 1,541 | 1,627 |
Tuten | 2,360 | 2,566 |
Tuthill | 2,595 | 2,541 |
Tutor | 2,207 | 2,254 |
Tutt | 3,826 | 4,005 |
Tuttle | 27,460 | 27,751 |
Twedt | 1,177 | 1,212 |
Tweed | 2,707 | 2,750 |
Tweedie | 1,248 | 1,185 |
Tweedy | 3,327 | 3,516 |
Twigg | 3,120 | 3,219 |
Twiggs | 1,306 | 1,360 |
Twilley | 1,590 | 1,576 |
Twine | 1,180 | 1,091 |
Twining | 1,305 | 1,333 |
Twiss | 1,492 | 1,637 |
Twist | 1,232 | 1,231 |
Twitchell | 2,637 | 2,789 |
Twitty | 2,667 | 2,947 |
Twombly | 1,709 | 1,798 |
Twomey | 3,113 | 3,245 |
Twyman | 2,831 | 3,046 |
Tye | 3,609 | 3,746 |
Tyer | 1,353 | 1,351 |
Tyler | 62,534 | 66,056 |
Tynan | 2,026 | 2,048 |
Tyndall | 4,590 | 4,786 |
Tyner | 6,669 | 6,819 |
Tynes | 2,851 | 2,904 |
Tyo | 1,069 | 1,116 |
Tyra | 1,763 | 1,841 |
Tyre | 2,444 | 2,581 |
Tyree | 9,451 | 9,613 |
Tyrell | 1,477 | 1,758 |
Tyrrell | 5,734 | 5,788 |
Tysinger | 1,162 | 1,202 |
Tyson | 27,911 | 28,947 |
Tyus | 2,939 | 3,102 |